Indicators API Specification


1 Overview

Indicator Container is a pane on the Status pane, which contains all the indicators which show the status of the phone.

API categorypublic
API typec++
Existed sinceLegacy S60 0.9
API librariesavkon.lib

1.1 Description

Indicator Container is a Framework API. It can be used by the application to control the application's indicator state (as opposite to the global indicator state, which is controlled through other APIs).

1.1.1 Emulator support

This API is fully supported in the WINS/WINSCW emulator environment.

1.2 Changes

This API is an SDK API and available on all S60 platforms. The document is valid from S60 release 5.0 onwards.

This API is valid for all S60 platforms.

1.3 Use Cases

  • Set the indicator's state.
  • Enable or disable the incall bubble's visibility

1.4 Class Structure

Summary of API classes and header files
CAknIndicatorContainer /epoc32/include/mw/AknIndicatorContainer.h MAknEditingStateIndicator /epoc32/include/mw/aknEditStateIndicator.h

The following class diagram shows the class structure of CAknIndicatorContainer


2 Using The API

2.1 Set the indicator's state

The indicator's state can be controlled through this function void SetIndicatorValueL( TUid aIndicatorId, const TDesC& aString ).

2.2 Enable or disable the incall bubble's visibility

The incall bubble can be controlled through the following functions.