CTaskManagerAppUi Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void ConstructL ()
 ~CTaskManagerAppUi ()
CTaskManagerEngineModel ()
void ShowConnectingCbaL (const TBool &aShow)
void SetViewBusyL (const TBool &aBusy)
void HandleCommandL (TInt aCommand)
void HandleForegroundEventL (TBool aForeground)

Detailed Description

Application UI class. Provides support for the following features:

Definition at line 51 of file TaskManagerAppUi.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CTaskManagerAppUi::~CTaskManagerAppUi (  ) 


Definition at line 130 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void CTaskManagerAppUi::ConstructL (  ) 

Symbian OS default constructor.

Definition at line 54 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

CTaskManagerEngine & CTaskManagerAppUi::Model (  ) 

Returns reference to engine, which handles transactions.

Reference to engine.

Definition at line 231 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

void CTaskManagerAppUi::ShowConnectingCbaL ( const TBool &  aShow  ) 

Shows proper cba buttons according to the given boolean.

aShow defines whether only a cancel button (ETrue) or options and exit buttons are shown.

Definition at line 242 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

void CTaskManagerAppUi::SetViewBusyL ( const TBool &  aBusy  ) 

AppView can inform the AppUi that it is busy doing something (like showing a query dialog). While AppView is busy, AppUi makes sure that engine won't update tasks automatically.

aBusy defines whether the view is busy or not.

Definition at line 311 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

void CTaskManagerAppUi::HandleCommandL ( TInt  aCommand  ) 

From CEikAppUi, takes care of command handling.

aCommand command to be handled

Definition at line 146 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

void CTaskManagerAppUi::HandleForegroundEventL ( TBool  aForeground  ) 

From CEikAppUi, called when application switches to or from the foreground.

aForeground ETrue to switch to the foreground. EFalse to switch from the foreground.

Definition at line 208 of file TaskManagerAppUi.cpp.

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