CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

TInt Start (TDeviceFunc aFuncCmd, TDeviceFlow aFlowCmd)
TInt SetConfig (TTaskConfig &aConfig)
CMMFSwCodec & Codec ()
TAny * CustomInterface (TUid aInterfaceId)
void GetSupportedBitRatesL (RArray< TInt > &aSupportedBitRates)
TInt BitRateL ()
void SetBitRateL (TInt aBitRate)
TInt Start (TDeviceFunc aFuncCmd, TDeviceFlow aFlowCmd)
TInt SetConfig (TTaskConfig &aConfig)
CMMFSwCodec & Codec ()
TAny * CustomInterface (TUid aInterfaceId)
void GetSupportedBitRatesL (RArray< TInt > &aSupportedBitRates)
TInt BitRateL ()
void SetBitRateL (TInt aBitRate)

Static Public Member Functions

NewL ()
NewL ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 39 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.h.

Member Function Documentation

CMMFSwCodec & CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper::Codec (  ) 

This method returns a CVorbisEncoderPlugIn (CMMFSwCodec) used by this class .

The CMMFSwCodec used by the derrived CMMFSwCodecWrapper

Definition at line 65 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.cpp.

TAny * CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper::CustomInterface ( TUid  aInterfaceId  ) 

This must provide an implementation as defined by CMMFDevSound::CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)

aInterfaceId The interface UID, defined with the custom interface.
A pointer to the interface implementation, or NULL if the device does not implement the interface requested. The return value must be cast to the correct type by the user.
See also:
CMMFDevSound::CustomInterface(TUid aInterfaceId)

Definition at line 95 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.cpp.

void CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper::GetSupportedBitRatesL ( RArray< TInt > &  aSupportedBitRates  ) 

Gets the bit rates that are supported by DevSound in its current configuration.

aSupportedBitRates The supported bit rates, in bits per second, shall be appended to this array. Note that the array shall be reset by this method.

Definition at line 116 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.cpp.

TInt CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper::BitRateL (  ) 

Returns the current bit rate.

The current bit rate, in bits per second.

Definition at line 138 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.cpp.

void CVorbisEncoderPlugInWrapper::SetBitRateL ( TInt  aBitRate  ) 

Sets the bit rate to a new value.

aBitRate The new bit rate, in bits per second.

Definition at line 149 of file VorbisEncoderPlugIn.cpp.

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