TMdaPackage Class Reference

#include <Mda/Common/Base.h>

class TMdaPackage : public TMdaRawPackage, public TMdaRawPackage

Inherits from

Detailed Description


A data structure used to package messages (that include the package type) sent between the media server and its clients.

This class is abstract. It defines the attributes common to packages where the derived class's type needs to be sent as part of the package. The attributes are a UID that identifies the package's concrete class (so that the server can construct objects of the correct type), and a UID that identifies the package type (the category of classes to which the package belongs). The package type is little used in practice. These attributes and the derived class's size are set during construction of the derived class.


A data structure used to package messages (that include the package type) sent between the media server and its clients.

This class is abstract. It defines the attributes common to packages where the derived class's type needs to be sent as part of the package. The attributes are a UID that identifies the package's concrete class (so that the server can construct objects of the correct type), and a UID that identifies the package type (the category of classes to which the package belongs). The package type is little used in practice. These attributes and the derived class's size are set during construction of the derived class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMdaPackage ( TUid, TUid, TInt )

)[protected, inline]

Protected constructor with two UIDs and the size of the derived class.

aTypeA UID that identifies the package's concrete class.
aUidA UID that identifies the package type. This may be KNullUid if not required.
aDerivedSizeThe size of the derived class.

Member Function Documentation

SetUid ( TUid )


Type ( )

TUid Type()const [inline]

Gets the package type. This is set during construction of the derived class.

Return Value
A UID that identifies the package type.

Uid ( )

TUid Uid()const [inline]

Gets the derived class's type. This is set during construction of the derived class.

Return Value
A UID that identifies the type of the derived class.

operator== ( const TMdaPackage & )

TBool operator==(const TMdaPackage &aPackage)[inline]

Equality operator. Tests whether the package specified has the same UID and type as this package.

aPackageThe package to compare with this one.
Return Value
True if the two packages are the same, false if not.