CEZFileToGzipBM Class Reference

#include <ezgzip.h>

Link against: ezlib.lib

class CEZFileToGzipBM : public CEZFileBufferManager

Inherits from

Detailed Description

The CEZFileToGzipBM manages the input and output buffers for compression

Member Function Documentation

Crc ( )

TInt32 Crc()const [inline]

Return the CRC - used for checking validity of the archive

Return Value
the CRC value

InitializeL ( CEZZStream & )

voidInitializeL(CEZZStream &aZStream)[virtual]

Reimplemented from CEZFileBufferManager::InitializeL(CEZZStream &)

Initialise the stream with input and output buffers and starts reading

aZStreamthe stream to initialise

NeedInputL ( CEZZStream & )

voidNeedInputL(CEZZStream &aZStream)[virtual]

Reimplemented from CEZFileBufferManager::NeedInputL(CEZZStream &)

Set the stream's input buffer and starts reading

aZStreamthe steam whose input buffer to set

NewL ( RFile &, RFile &, TInt )

CEZFileToGzipBM *NewL(RFile &aInput,
RFile &aOutput,

Reimplemented from CEZFileBufferManager::NewL(RFile &,RFile &,TInt)

Creates a new CEZFileBufferManager object

aInputthe input file
aOutputthe output file
aBufferSizethe required size of the buffers
Return Value
the new CEZFileBufferManager object

NewLC ( RFile &, RFile &, TInt )

CEZFileToGzipBM *NewLC(RFile &aInput,
RFile &aOutput,

Reimplemented from CEZFileBufferManager::NewLC(RFile &,RFile &,TInt)

Creates a new CEZFileBufferManager object and leave it on the CleanupStack

aInputthe input file
aOutputthe output file
aBufferSizethe required size of the buffers
Return Value
the new CEZFileBufferManager object, on the CleanupStack