#include <mw/QtWebKit/qwebinspector.h>
class QWebInspector : public QWidget, public QWidget |
The QWebInspector class allows the placement and control of a QWebPage's inspector. The inspector can display a page's hierarchy, its loading statistics and the current state of its individual elements. It is mostly used by web developers.
Public Member Functions | |
QWebInspector(QWidget *) | |
~QWebInspector() | |
virtual bool | event(QEvent *) |
QWebPage * | page() |
void | setPage(QWebPage *) |
virtual QSize | sizeHint() |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual void | closeEvent(QCloseEvent *) |
virtual void | hideEvent(QHideEvent *) |
virtual void | resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) |
virtual void | showEvent(QShowEvent *) |
Inherited Attributes | |
QObject::d_ptr | |
QObject::objectName | |
QObject::staticQtMetaObject | |
QPaintDevice::painters |
Inherited Enumerations | |
QPaintDevice:PaintDeviceMetric |
Inherited Functions | |
QObject::QObject(QObjectPrivate &,QObject *) | |
QObject::blockSignals(bool) | |
QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent *) | |
QObject::children()const | |
QObject::connect(const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,Qt::ConnectionType) | |
QObject::connect(const QObject *,const char *,const QObject *,const char *,Qt::ConnectionType) | |
QObject::connect(const QObject *,const char *,const char *,Qt::ConnectionType)const | |
QObject::connectNotify(const char *) | |
QObject::customEvent(QEvent *) | |
QObject::deleteLater | |
QObject::destroyed | |
QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &) | |
QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const char *) | |
QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const char *,const QObject *,const char *) | |
QObject::disconnect(const char *,const QObject *,const char *) | |
QObject::disconnectNotify(const char *) | |
QObject::dumpObjectInfo() | |
QObject::dumpObjectTree() | |
QObject::dynamicPropertyNames()const | |
QObject::eventFilter(QObject *,QEvent *) | |
QObject::findChild(const QString &)const | |
QObject::findChildren(const QRegExp &)const | |
QObject::findChildren(const QString &)const | |
QObject::inherits(const char *)const | |
QObject::installEventFilter(QObject *) | |
QObject::isWidgetType()const | |
QObject::killTimer(int) | |
QObject::moveToThread(QThread *) | |
QObject::objectName()const | |
QObject::parent()const | |
QObject::property(const char *)const | |
QObject::receivers(const char *)const | |
QObject::registerUserData() | |
QObject::removeEventFilter(QObject *) | |
QObject::sender()const | |
QObject::senderSignalIndex()const | |
QObject::setObjectName(const QString &) | |
QObject::setParent(QObject *) | |
QObject::setProperty(const char *,const QVariant &) | |
QObject::setUserData(uint,QObjectUserData *) | |
QObject::signalsBlocked()const | |
QObject::startTimer(int) | |
QObject::thread()const | |
QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *) | |
QObject::userData(uint)const | |
QObject::~QObject() | |
QPaintDevice::QPaintDevice() | |
QPaintDevice::colorCount()const | |
QPaintDevice::depth()const | |
QPaintDevice::heightMM()const | |
QPaintDevice::logicalDpiX()const | |
QPaintDevice::logicalDpiY()const | |
QPaintDevice::paintingActive()const | |
QPaintDevice::physicalDpiX()const | |
QPaintDevice::physicalDpiY()const | |
QPaintDevice::widthMM()const | |
QPaintDevice::~QPaintDevice() | |
QWidget::QWidget(QWidgetPrivate &,QWidget *,Qt::WindowFlags) | |
QWidget::acceptDrops()const | |
QWidget::accessibleDescription()const | |
QWidget::accessibleName()const | |
QWidget::actionEvent(QActionEvent *) | |
QWidget::actions()const | |
QWidget::activateWindow() | |
QWidget::addAction(QAction *) | |
QWidget::addActions(QList< QAction * >) | |
QWidget::adjustSize() | |
QWidget::autoFillBackground()const | |
QWidget::backgroundRole()const | |
QWidget::baseSize()const | |
QWidget::changeEvent(QEvent *) | |
QWidget::childAt(const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::childAt(int,int)const | |
QWidget::childrenRect()const | |
QWidget::childrenRegion()const | |
QWidget::clearFocus() | |
QWidget::clearMask() | |
QWidget::close | |
QWidget::contentsMargins()const | |
QWidget::contentsRect()const | |
QWidget::contextMenuEvent(QContextMenuEvent *) | |
QWidget::contextMenuPolicy()const | |
QWidget::create(WId,bool,bool) | |
QWidget::cursor()const | |
QWidget::customContextMenuRequested | |
QWidget::destroy(bool,bool) | |
QWidget::dragEnterEvent(QDragEnterEvent *) | |
QWidget::dragLeaveEvent(QDragLeaveEvent *) | |
QWidget::dragMoveEvent(QDragMoveEvent *) | |
QWidget::dropEvent(QDropEvent *) | |
QWidget::enabledChange(bool) | |
QWidget::ensurePolished()const | |
QWidget::enterEvent(QEvent *) | |
QWidget::find(WId) | |
QWidget::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *) | |
QWidget::focusNextChild() | |
QWidget::focusNextPrevChild(bool) | |
QWidget::focusOutEvent(QFocusEvent *) | |
QWidget::focusPolicy()const | |
QWidget::focusPreviousChild() | |
QWidget::focusProxy()const | |
QWidget::focusWidget()const | |
QWidget::font()const | |
QWidget::fontChange(const QFont &) | |
QWidget::fontInfo()const | |
QWidget::fontMetrics()const | |
QWidget::foregroundRole()const | |
QWidget::frameGeometry()const | |
QWidget::frameSize()const | |
QWidget::geometry()const | |
QWidget::getContentsMargins(int *,int *,int *,int *)const | |
QWidget::grabGesture(Qt::GestureType,Qt::GestureFlags) | |
QWidget::grabKeyboard() | |
QWidget::grabMouse() | |
QWidget::grabMouse(const QCursor &) | |
QWidget::grabShortcut(const QKeySequence &,Qt::ShortcutContext) | |
QWidget::graphicsEffect()const | |
QWidget::graphicsProxyWidget()const | |
QWidget::handle()const | |
QWidget::hasEditFocus()const | |
QWidget::hasFocus()const | |
QWidget::hasMouseTracking()const | |
QWidget::height()const | |
QWidget::heightForWidth(int)const | |
QWidget::hide | |
QWidget::inputContext() | |
QWidget::inputMethodEvent(QInputMethodEvent *) | |
QWidget::inputMethodHints()const | |
QWidget::inputMethodQuery(Qt::InputMethodQuery)const | |
QWidget::insertAction(QAction *,QAction *) | |
QWidget::insertActions(QAction *,QList< QAction * >) | |
QWidget::isActiveWindow()const | |
QWidget::isAncestorOf(const QWidget *)const | |
QWidget::isFullScreen()const | |
QWidget::isHidden()const | |
QWidget::isLeftToRight()const | |
QWidget::isMaximized()const | |
QWidget::isMinimized()const | |
QWidget::isRightToLeft()const | |
QWidget::isVisible()const | |
QWidget::isVisibleTo(QWidget *)const | |
QWidget::isWindowModified()const | |
QWidget::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *) | |
QWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *) | |
QWidget::keyboardGrabber() | |
QWidget::languageChange() | |
QWidget::layout()const | |
QWidget::layoutDirection()const | |
QWidget::leaveEvent(QEvent *) | |
QWidget::locale()const | |
QWidget::lower | |
QWidget::mapFrom(QWidget *,const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mapFromGlobal(const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mapFromParent(const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mapTo(QWidget *,const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mapToGlobal(const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mapToParent(const QPoint &)const | |
QWidget::mask()const | |
QWidget::maximumHeight()const | |
QWidget::maximumSize()const | |
QWidget::maximumWidth()const | |
QWidget::metric(PaintDeviceMetric)const | |
QWidget::minimumHeight()const | |
QWidget::minimumSize()const | |
QWidget::minimumSizeHint()const | |
QWidget::minimumWidth()const | |
QWidget::mouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *) | |
QWidget::mouseGrabber() | |
QWidget::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *) | |
QWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *) | |
QWidget::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *) | |
QWidget::move(const QPoint &) | |
QWidget::move(int,int) | |
QWidget::moveEvent(QMoveEvent *) | |
QWidget::nativeParentWidget()const | |
QWidget::nextInFocusChain()const | |
QWidget::normalGeometry()const | |
QWidget::overrideWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags) | |
QWidget::overrideWindowState(Qt::WindowStates) | |
QWidget::paintEngine()const | |
QWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *) | |
QWidget::palette()const | |
QWidget::paletteChange(const QPalette &) | |
QWidget::parentWidget()const | |
QWidget::pos()const | |
QWidget::previousInFocusChain()const | |
QWidget::raise | |
QWidget::rect()const | |
QWidget::releaseKeyboard() | |
QWidget::releaseMouse() | |
QWidget::releaseShortcut(int) | |
QWidget::removeAction(QAction *) | |
QWidget::render(QPaintDevice *,const QPoint &,const QRegion &,RenderFlags) | |
QWidget::render(QPainter *,const QPoint &,const QRegion &,RenderFlags) | |
QWidget::repaint | |
QWidget::repaint(const QRect &) | |
QWidget::repaint(const QRegion &) | |
QWidget::repaint(int,int,int,int) | |
QWidget::resetInputContext() | |
QWidget::resize(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::resize(int,int) | |
QWidget::restoreGeometry(const QByteArray &) | |
QWidget::saveGeometry()const | |
QWidget::scroll(int,int) | |
QWidget::scroll(int,int,const QRect &) | |
QWidget::setAcceptDrops(bool) | |
QWidget::setAccessibleDescription(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setAccessibleName(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute,bool) | |
QWidget::setAutoFillBackground(bool) | |
QWidget::setBackgroundRole(QPalette::ColorRole) | |
QWidget::setBaseSize(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::setBaseSize(int,int) | |
QWidget::setContentsMargins(const QMargins &) | |
QWidget::setContentsMargins(int,int,int,int) | |
QWidget::setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::ContextMenuPolicy) | |
QWidget::setCursor(const QCursor &) | |
QWidget::setDisabled | |
QWidget::setEditFocus(bool) | |
QWidget::setEnabled | |
QWidget::setFixedHeight(int) | |
QWidget::setFixedSize(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::setFixedSize(int,int) | |
QWidget::setFixedWidth(int) | |
QWidget::setFocus | |
QWidget::setFocus(Qt::FocusReason) | |
QWidget::setFocusPolicy(Qt::FocusPolicy) | |
QWidget::setFocusProxy(QWidget *) | |
QWidget::setFont(const QFont &) | |
QWidget::setForegroundRole(QPalette::ColorRole) | |
QWidget::setGeometry(const QRect &) | |
QWidget::setGeometry(int,int,int,int) | |
QWidget::setGraphicsEffect(QGraphicsEffect *) | |
QWidget::setHidden | |
QWidget::setInputContext(QInputContext *) | |
QWidget::setInputMethodHints(Qt::InputMethodHints) | |
QWidget::setLayout(QLayout *) | |
QWidget::setLayoutDirection(Qt::LayoutDirection) | |
QWidget::setLocale(const QLocale &) | |
QWidget::setMask(const QBitmap &) | |
QWidget::setMask(const QRegion &) | |
QWidget::setMaximumHeight(int) | |
QWidget::setMaximumSize(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::setMaximumSize(int,int) | |
QWidget::setMaximumWidth(int) | |
QWidget::setMinimumHeight(int) | |
QWidget::setMinimumSize(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::setMinimumSize(int,int) | |
QWidget::setMinimumWidth(int) | |
QWidget::setMouseTracking(bool) | |
QWidget::setPalette(const QPalette &) | |
QWidget::setParent(QWidget *) | |
QWidget::setParent(QWidget *,Qt::WindowFlags) | |
QWidget::setShortcutAutoRepeat(int,bool) | |
QWidget::setShortcutEnabled(int,bool) | |
QWidget::setShown | |
QWidget::setSizeIncrement(const QSize &) | |
QWidget::setSizeIncrement(int,int) | |
QWidget::setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy) | |
QWidget::setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Policy,QSizePolicy::Policy) | |
QWidget::setStatusTip(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setStyleSheet | |
QWidget::setTabOrder(QWidget *,QWidget *) | |
QWidget::setToolTip(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setUpdatesEnabled(bool) | |
QWidget::setVisible | |
QWidget::setWhatsThis(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setWindowFilePath(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowFlags) | |
QWidget::setWindowIcon(const QIcon &) | |
QWidget::setWindowIconText(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setWindowModified | |
QWidget::setWindowOpacity(qreal) | |
QWidget::setWindowRole(const QString &) | |
QWidget::setWindowState(Qt::WindowStates) | |
QWidget::setWindowSurface(QWindowSurface *) | |
QWidget::setWindowTitle | |
QWidget::show | |
QWidget::showFullScreen | |
QWidget::showMaximized | |
QWidget::showMinimized | |
QWidget::showNormal | |
QWidget::size()const | |
QWidget::sizeIncrement()const | |
QWidget::sizePolicy()const | |
QWidget::stackUnder(QWidget *) | |
QWidget::statusTip()const | |
QWidget::styleChange(QStyle &) | |
QWidget::styleSheet()const | |
QWidget::tabletEvent(QTabletEvent *) | |
QWidget::testAttribute(Qt::WidgetAttribute)const | |
QWidget::toolTip()const | |
QWidget::topLevelWidget()const | |
QWidget::underMouse()const | |
QWidget::ungrabGesture(Qt::GestureType) | |
QWidget::unsetCursor() | |
QWidget::unsetLayoutDirection() | |
QWidget::unsetLocale() | |
QWidget::update | |
QWidget::update(const QRect &) | |
QWidget::update(const QRegion &) | |
QWidget::update(int,int,int,int) | |
QWidget::updateGeometry() | |
QWidget::updateMicroFocus | |
QWidget::updatesEnabled()const | |
QWidget::visibleRegion()const | |
QWidget::whatsThis()const | |
QWidget::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent *) | |
QWidget::width()const | |
QWidget::window()const | |
QWidget::windowActivationChange(bool) | |
QWidget::windowFilePath()const | |
QWidget::windowFlags()const | |
QWidget::windowIcon()const | |
QWidget::windowIconText()const | |
QWidget::windowOpacity()const | |
QWidget::windowRole()const | |
QWidget::windowState()const | |
QWidget::windowSurface()const | |
QWidget::windowTitle()const | |
QWidget::windowType()const | |
QWidget::x()const | |
QWidget::y()const |
A QWebInspector can be made visible either programmatically using setVisible(), or by the user through the attached QWebPage's context menu.
A QWebInspector will display a blank widget if either: page() is null QWebSettings::DeveloperExtrasEnabled is false
void | closeEvent | ( | QCloseEvent * | event | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from QWidget::closeEvent(QCloseEvent *)
bool | event | ( | QEvent * | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from QWidget::event(QEvent *)
void | hideEvent | ( | QHideEvent * | event | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from QWidget::hideEvent(QHideEvent *)
void | resizeEvent | ( | QResizeEvent * | event | ) | [protected, virtual] |
Reimplemented from QWidget::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *)
void | setPage | ( | QWebPage * | page | ) |
Bind this inspector to the QWebPage to be inspected.
{Notes:} There can only be one QWebInspector associated with a QWebPage and vice versa. Calling this method with a null page will break the current association, if any. If page is already associated to another QWebInspector, the association will be replaced and the previous QWebInspector will become unbound
See also: page()