CLogBase Class Reference

#include <logwrap.h>

Link against: logstub.lib

class CLogBase : public CLogActive

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Base class for the log engine implementation.

This class defines the interface that client code uses to perform simple actions on the log database.

The class provides default implementations for the event handling functions. The Log Engine, i.e. an instance of CLogClient, is derived from this class and provides implementations for the event handling functions.

The class also deals with some aspects of resource file handling.

An instance of this class is constructed by the log wrapper, CLogWrapper, if the phone does not implement logging.

An instance of this class is never constructed by clients.

See also: CLogClient CLogWrapper

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLogBase ( TInt )


Sets the priority of this active object.

aPriorityThe priority of this active object.

~CLogBase ( )


Fees all resources owned by the object prior to its destruction. In particular it closes the resource file reader.

Member Function Documentation

AddEvent ( CLogEvent &, TRequestStatus & )

IMPORT_C voidAddEvent(CLogEvent &aEvent,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Adds an event to the log database. This is an asynchronous request.

This function is overridden by log engine implementations.

aEventA reference to a log event detail object. This value is not used.
aStatusThe request status. On completion of the asynchronous request, it always contains KErrNotSupported.
NoteFor built-in event types, the required capability level is defined in the event type's write access policy.

ChangeEvent ( const CLogEvent &, TRequestStatus & )

IMPORT_C voidChangeEvent(const CLogEvent &aEvent,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Changes the details of an existing event. This is an asynchronous request.

This function is overridden by log engine implementations.

aEventA reference to a log event detail object. This value is not used.
aStatusThe request status. On completion of the asynchronous request, it always contains KErrNotSupported.
NoteFor built-in event types, the required capability level is defined in the event type's write access policy.

DeleteEvent ( TLogId, TRequestStatus & )

IMPORT_C voidDeleteEvent(TLogIdaId,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Deletes an event from the log. This is an asynchronous request.

This function is overridden by log engine implementations.

aIdThe unique event ID of the event to be deleted. This value is not used.
aStatusThe request status. On completion of the asynchronous request, it always contains KErrNotSupported..
NoteFor built-in event types, the required capability level is defined in the event type's write access policy.

GetEvent ( CLogEvent &, TRequestStatus & )

IMPORT_C voidGetEvent(CLogEvent &aEvent,
TRequestStatus &aStatus

Gets the details of an existing event. This is an asynchronous request.

This function is overridden by log engine implementations.

aEventA reference to a log event detail object. This value is not used.
aStatusThe request status. On completion of the asynchronous request, it always contains KErrNotSupported.
NoteFor built-in event types, the required capability level is defined in the event type's read access policy.

GetString ( TDes &, TInt )

IMPORT_C TIntGetString(TDes &aString,
)const [virtual]

Gets a standard string from the logwrap.dll resource file.

This function is overridden by log engine implementations.

See also: RResourceFile

aStringA modifiable descriptor. The length of this descriptor is set to zero.
aIdThe resource ID for the string. This value is not used.
Return Value

LoadResourcesL ( RFs & )

IMPORT_C voidLoadResourcesL(RFs &aFs)[protected]

ResourceFile ( )

const CResourceFile *ResourceFile()const [protected, inline]