CImagePanorama Class Reference

#include <panorama/panorama.h>

Link against: panorama.lib

class CImagePanorama : public CBase

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAddBufferL(const TDesC8 &, CPanoramaTransform &)
IMPORT_C voidAddFileL(const TDesC &, CPanoramaTransform &)
IMPORT_C voidAddImageL(const CFbsBitmap &, CPanoramaTransform &)
IMPORT_C voidAddImageL(const CImageFrame &, CPanoramaTransform &)
IMPORT_C voidCurrentImageSizeL(TSize &)
IMPORT_C TAny *Extension(TUid)
IMPORT_C voidInitializeL(const TSize &, const TPanoramaLens &, const TDirection &)
IMPORT_C CImagePanorama *NewL()
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const TDesC &, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(RFile &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(RFile &, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(HBufC8 *&)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(HBufC8 *&, TUint32, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CFbsBitmap &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CFbsBitmap &, const TBool)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CImageFrame &)
IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CImageFrame &, const TBool)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

Detailed Description

This class provides functions to get basic stitching. Input can be a file, descriptor, bitmap, imageframe.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

~CImagePanorama ( )


Member Function Documentation

AddBufferL ( const TDesC8 &, CPanoramaTransform & )

IMPORT_C voidAddBufferL(const TDesC8 &aData,
CPanoramaTransform &aPanTrans

Add an image to the panorama creation

aDataThe buffer containing the image data
aPanTransPanorama transform object

AddFileL ( const TDesC &, CPanoramaTransform & )

IMPORT_C voidAddFileL(const TDesC &aFilename,
CPanoramaTransform &aPanTrans

Add an image to the panorama creation

aFilenameInput filename
aPanTransPanorama transform object

AddImageL ( const CFbsBitmap &, CPanoramaTransform & )

IMPORT_C voidAddImageL(const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap,
CPanoramaTransform &aPanTrans

Add an image to the panorama creation in progress

aBitmapA bitmap that will contain the image
aPanTransPanorama transform object

AddImageL ( const CImageFrame &, CPanoramaTransform & )

IMPORT_C voidAddImageL(const CImageFrame &aImageFrame,
CPanoramaTransform &aPanTrans

Add an image to the panorama creation in progress

aImageFrameA imageframe object.
aPanTransPanorama transform object.

CurrentImageSizeL ( TSize & )

IMPORT_C voidCurrentImageSizeL(TSize &aSize)

Retrieves the dimensions of the current session image.

aSizeDimensions of the image.

Extension ( TUid )

IMPORT_C TAny *Extension(TUidaExtension)

Retrieves a non-standard extension on the image panorama.

aExtensionThe UID of the extension to be retrieved
Return Value
Extension corresponding to the UID given as a parameter.

InitializeL ( const TSize &, const TPanoramaLens &, const TDirection & )

IMPORT_C voidInitializeL(const TSize &aSize,
const TPanoramaLens &aPanoramaLens,
const TDirection &aDirection

Initialises the size, direction and panoramalens on plugin and creates the CCapsPanorama, CCapsPanoramaTransform objects.

aSizeSize of the image.
aPanoramaLensPanorama lens which is specific to camera
aDirectionDirection of the panorama

NewL ( )

IMPORT_C CImagePanorama *NewL()[static]

Constructs a new image panorama object.

A leave occurs if there is insufficient memory available.

Return Value
A pointer to the new image panorama object.

RenderL ( const TDesC & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const TDesC &aFilename)

Renders the currest session image to file.

aFilenameFilename specifying where to store the output file.

RenderL ( const TDesC &, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const TDesC &aFilename,
const TSize &aSize,
const TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio,
const TUid &aImageTypeUid

Renders the current session image to file.

aFilenameFilename specifying where to store the output file.
aSizeDimensions of the output image.
aMaintainAspectRatioAspect ratio based on which output options will be defined
aImageTypeUidThe format Uid in which to encode the output image

RenderL ( RFile & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(RFile &aFile)

Renders the current session image to an open file handle.

aFileA file handler.

RenderL ( RFile &, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(RFile &aFile,
const TSize &aSize,
const TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio,
const TUid &aImageTypeUid

Renders the current session image to an open file handle.

aFileA file handler
aSizeDimensions of the output image.
aMaintainAspectRatioAspect ratio based on which output options will be defined.
aImageTypeUidThe format Uid in which to encode the output image.

RenderL ( HBufC8 *& )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(HBufC8 *&aDestData)

Renders the current session image encoded to a buffer.

aDestDataPointer to a buffer which will recieve the encoded image data.

RenderL ( HBufC8 *&, TUint32, const TSize &, const TBool, const TUid & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(HBufC8 *&aDestData,
const TSize &aSize,
const TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio,
const TUid &aImageTypeUid

Renders the current session image encoded to a buffer.

aDestDataPointer to a buffer which will recieve the encoded image data.
aMaxBufferSizeThe maximum size of the buffer in bytes.
aSizeDimensions of the output image.
aMaintainAspectRatioAspect ratio based on which output options will be defined.
aImageTypeUidThe format Uid in which to encode the output image.

RenderL ( const CFbsBitmap & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap)

Renders the output to a buffer in raw format.

aBitmapA bitmap to get the output image.

RenderL ( const CFbsBitmap &, const TBool )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap,
const TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio

Renders the output to a buffer in raw format.

aBitmapA bitmap to get the output image.
aMaintainAspectRatioAspect ration based on which output options will be defined.

RenderL ( const CImageFrame & )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CImageFrame &aImageFrame)

Renders the output to a buffer in raw format.

aImageFrameA imageframe object to get the output image.

RenderL ( const CImageFrame &, const TBool )

IMPORT_C voidRenderL(const CImageFrame &aImageFrame,
const TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio

Renders the output to a buffer in raw format.

aImageFrameA imageframe object to get the output image.
aMaintainAspectRatioAspect ration based on which output options will be defined.