COrientationTransformExtension Class Reference

#include <icl/orientationtransformextension.h>

Link against: imagetransform.lib

class COrientationTransformExtension : public CImageTransformPluginExtension, public CImageTransformPluginExtension

Detailed Description

The Orientation Extension to the ImageTransform plugin.

The class provides the methods to set the image orientation and is intended to be implemented by the plugins supporting the rotation of the image based on the orientation. The plugin supporting this extension must use the opaque_data v2 format in RSS file and also the orientation flag must be set in the opaque_data. The client must retrieve this extension implementation from the plugin using its extension UID.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TOrientation

The possible orientations of the image. Similar to the EXIF orientation tag


No rotation done


Rotate the image clockwise through 90 degrees.


Rotate the image clockwise through 180 degrees.


Rotate the image clockwise through 270 degrees.


Mirror the image over its vertical axis


Mirror the image over its horizontal axis


Transpose (or mirror) the image across a diagonal running from top-left to lower-right.


Transpose (or mirror) the image across a diagonal running from top-right to lower-left.

Member Function Documentation

DoSetOrientationL ( TOrientation )

voidDoSetOrientationL(TOrientationaOrientation)[protected, pure virtual]

SetOrientationL ( TOrientation )

IMPORT_C voidSetOrientationL(TOrientationaOrientation)

This function sets the orientation of the image

aOrientationThe orientation of the image