CASN1EncBase Class Reference

#include <asn1enc.h>

class CASN1EncBase : public CBase

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Base class for all ASN.1 types that we can encode.

Member Attribute Documentation


TUint iContentsLengthDER[protected]

Length of DER encoded content.


TUint iLengthLengthDER[protected]

Length of DER encoded length.


TUint iTagLengthDER[protected]

Length of DER encoded tag.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CASN1EncBase ( const TTagType, const TASN1Class )

IMPORT_CCASN1EncBase(const TTagTypeaType,
const TASN1ClassaClass

Protected constructor

aTypeTag type of the new object
aClassTag class of the new object.

~CASN1EncBase ( )


Member Function Documentation

CalculateLengthLengthDER ( )


Calculates number of octets in DER length encoding. Must set value of the appropriate data member. Made protected because it is needed by CASN1EncEncoding class.

ConstructL ( )

IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected, virtual]

Must call this version from derived classes in their ConstructL, but only once they're ready to have CalculateContentsLengthDER called on them.

ContentsLengthChanged ( )


Derived classes must call this if the length of their contents changes after construction.

LengthDER ( )

IMPORT_C TUintLengthDER()const

Gives total number of octets in the DER encoding of this object.

Return Value
Number of octets in DER encoding of this object.

SetParent ( CASN1EncBase * )

voidSetParent(CASN1EncBase *aParent)

Sets parent for the object

aParentPointer to an ASN.1 object that becomes this object's parent.

SetTag ( const TTagType, const TASN1Class )

IMPORT_C voidSetTag(const TTagTypeaType,
const TASN1ClassaClass = EContextSpecific

Sets tag type/class of the encoding object

aTypeTag type to set
aClassTag class to set.

WriteDERL ( TDes8 &, TUint & )

IMPORT_C voidWriteDERL(TDes8 &aBuf,
TUint &aPos

Writes entire DER encoding of this object into the given buffer.

aBufBuffer receiving the encoding.
aPosPosition to start writing at.