MLogViewChangeObserver Class Reference

#include <logviewchangeobserver.h>

class MLogViewChangeObserver

Detailed Description

This class allows a client of the log engine to observe specific change events within a given view.

Member Function Documentation

HandleLogViewChangeEventAddedL ( TLogId, TInt, TInt, TInt )

)[pure virtual]

Handle a change corresponding to a view addition

This method is called when a log event is added to a view. The event maybe recently added, or have existed for some time but only now meet the criteria of this view (i.e satisfy the filter) due to some other change.

aIdThe id of the log event which has been added to the view.
aViewIndexThe position within the view at which the event has been added.
aChangeIndexIn a series of changes, this is the index of the currently processing change. The change index will be greater than (or equal to) 0, and less than the total change count.
aTotalChangeCountThis is the total count of all changes which will be processed in this batch.

HandleLogViewChangeEventChangedL ( TLogId, TInt, TInt, TInt )

)[pure virtual]

Handle a change corresponding to a view change

This method is called when a log event changes within a view.

aIdThe id of the log event which has changed within the view.
aViewIndexThe position within the view where the change occurred.
aChangeIndexIn a series of changes, this is the index of the currently processing change. The change index will be greater than (or equal to) 0, and less than the total change count.
aTotalChangeCountThis is the total count of all changes which will be processed in this batch.

HandleLogViewChangeEventDeletedL ( TLogId, TInt, TInt, TInt )

)[pure virtual]

Handle a change corresponding to a view deletion

This method is called when a log event is removed from a view.

aIdThe id of the log event which has been removed from the view
aViewIndexThe position within the view which the event previously held.
aChangeIndexIn a series of changes, this is the index of the currently processing change. The change index will be greater than (or equal to) 0, and less than the total change count.
aTotalChangeCountThis is the total count of all changes which will be processed in this batch