COverlayTransformExtension Class Reference

#include <icl/overlaytransformextension.h>

class COverlayTransformExtension : public CImageTransformPluginExtension, public CImageTransformPluginExtension

Detailed Description

Overlay/Replace Extension to the ImageTransform plugin

The class provides the methods to set the overlay/replace parameters and is intended to be implemented by the plugins supporting the blending of the images. The client can set the overlay image, the overlay position and the transparency of the overlay image. The plugin supporting this extension must use the opaque_data v2 format in RSS file and also the overlay flag must be set in the opaque_data. The client must retrieve this extension implementation from the plugin using its extension UID.

Member Function Documentation

DoSetOverlayDataL ( const TDesC8 &, const TUid & )

voidDoSetOverlayDataL(const TDesC8 &aData,
const TUid &aOverlayImageUid
)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSetOverlayFileL ( const TDesC &, const TUid & )

voidDoSetOverlayFileL(const TDesC &aFilename,
const TUid &aOverlayImageUid
)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSetOverlayImageL ( const CFbsBitmap & )

voidDoSetOverlayImageL(const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSetOverlayImageL ( const CImageFrame & )

voidDoSetOverlayImageL(const CImageFrame &aImageFrame)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSetPosition ( const TPoint & )

voidDoSetPosition(const TPoint &aPosition)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSetTransparencyLevelL ( TUint )

voidDoSetTransparencyLevelL(TUintaLevel)[protected, pure virtual]

DoSupportedOverlayInputFormatsL ( RArray< TUid > & )

voidDoSupportedOverlayInputFormatsL(RArray< TUid > &aFormats)const [protected, pure virtual]

DoSupportedOverlayInputSubFormatsL ( TUid, RArray< TUid > & )

RArray< TUid > &aSubFormats
)const [protected, pure virtual]

SetOverlayDataL ( const TDesC8 &, const TUid & )

IMPORT_C voidSetOverlayDataL(const TDesC8 &aData,
const TUid &aOverlayImageUid
Sets the Overlay image in the descriptor
aDataThe descriptor containing overlay image
aOverlayImageUidThe format of the overlay image
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedThe plugin does not support this format of the the overlay image file

SetOverlayFileL ( const TDesC &, const TUid & )

IMPORT_C voidSetOverlayFileL(const TDesC &aFilename,
const TUid &aOverlayImageUid
Sets the Overlay image in the file
aFilenameThe overlay image filename
aOverlayImageUidThe format of the overlay image
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedThe plugin does not support this format of the the overlay image file

SetOverlayImageL ( const CFbsBitmap & )

IMPORT_C voidSetOverlayImageL(const CFbsBitmap &aBitmap)
Sets the Overlay image in the bitmap
aBitmapThe bitmap containing overlay image
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedThe plugin does not support this format of the the overlay image file

SetOverlayImageL ( const CImageFrame & )

IMPORT_C voidSetOverlayImageL(const CImageFrame &aImageFrame)
Sets the Overlay image in the image frame
aImageFrameThe image frame containing the overlay image
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedThe plugin does not support this format of the the overlay image file

SetPosition ( const TPoint & )

IMPORT_C voidSetPosition(const TPoint &aPosition)

This function sets the position, where overlay image is to be placed

aPositionThe position for overlay image

SetTransparencyLevelL ( TUint )

IMPORT_C voidSetTransparencyLevelL(TUintaLevel)
Sets the transparency level of the overlay image. Its value can be 0-100 where 0 for no transparency and 100 for fully transparent. If overlay image is CFbsBitmap/CImageFrame then it can have alpha value. In this case when the application sets the transparency level using this function then the alpha value must be ignored.
aLevelThe transparency level
Leave Codes
KErrNotSupportedThe plugin does not support this.

SupportedOverlayInputFormatsL ( RArray< TUid > & )

IMPORT_C voidSupportedOverlayInputFormatsL(RArray< TUid > &aFormats)const
Gets the formats of the overlay image that are supported
aFormatsOn return, contains the supported overlay image formats
Leave Codes
Thefunction leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails

SupportedOverlayInputSubFormatsL ( TUid, RArray< TUid > & )

IMPORT_C voidSupportedOverlayInputSubFormatsL(TUidaFormat,
RArray< TUid > &aSubFormats
Gets the sub-formats of Overlay image that are supported
aFormatThe image format for which supported sub-format list is required
aSubFormatsOn return, contains the supported overlay image sub-formats
Leave Codes
Thefunction leaves with one of the system wide error codes, if the operation fails