CTelephony Class Reference

#include <etel3rdparty.h>

Link against: etel3rdparty.lib

class CTelephony : public CBase, public CBase

Inherits from

Public Member Type Definitions
typedef TPckg< TBatteryInfoV1 > TBatteryInfoV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallBarringSupplServicesV1 > TCallBarringSupplServicesV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallCapsV1 > TCallCapsV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 > TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallInfoV1 > TCallInfoV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallParamsV1 > TCallParamsV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallSelectionV1 > TCallSelectionV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallStatusV1 > TCallStatusV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1 > TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TFlightModeV1 > TFlightModeV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TIccLockInfoV1 > TIccLockInfoV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TIdentityServiceV1 > TIdentityServiceV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TIndicatorV1 > TIndicatorV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNetworkInfoV1 > TNetworkInfoV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNetworkInfoV2 > TNetworkInfoV2Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNetworkNameV1 > TNetworkNameV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNetworkNameV2 > TNetworkNameV2Pckg
typedef TPckg< TNetworkRegistrationV1 > TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TOperatorNameV1 > TOperatorNameV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TPhoneIdV1 > TPhoneIdV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TRemotePartyInfoV1 > TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TSignalStrengthV1 > TSignalStrengthV1Pckg
typedef TPckg< TSubscriberIdV1 > TSubscriberIdV1Pckg
typedef TBuf< KMaxTelNumberSize > TTelNumber
Public Member Enumerations
enumanonymous { KEtelISVV1, KEtelISVV2 }
enumanonymous { KMaxTelNumberSize }
enumanonymous { KPhoneManufacturerIdSize }
enumanonymous { KPhoneModelIdSize }
enumanonymous { KPhoneSerialNumberSize }
enumanonymous { KIMSISize }
enumanonymous { KCallingNameSize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkCountryCodeSize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkIdentitySize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkDisplayTagSize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkShortNameSize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkLongNameSize }
enumanonymous { KNetworkShortNameSizeV2 }
enumanonymous { KNetworkLongNameSizeV2 }
enumTBatteryStatus { EPowerStatusUnknown, EPoweredByBattery, EBatteryConnectedButExternallyPowered, ENoBatteryConnected, EPowerFault }
enumTCallBarringCondition { EBarAllIncoming, EBarIncomingRoaming, EBarAllOutgoing, EBarOutgoingInternational, EBarOutgoingInternationalExHC }
enumTCallDirection { EDirectionUnknown, EMobileOriginated, EMobileTerminated }
enumTCallForwardingCondition { ECallForwardingUnconditional, ECallForwardingBusy, ECallForwardingNoReply, ECallForwardingNotReachable }
enumTCallId { EISVCall1, EISVCall2, EISVMaxNumOfCalls }
enumTCallRemoteIdentityStatus { ERemoteIdentityUnknown, ERemoteIdentityAvailable, ERemoteIdentitySuppressed }
enumTCallSelect { EActiveCall, EHeldCall, EInProgressCall }
enumTCallStatus { EStatusUnknown, EStatusIdle, EStatusDialling, EStatusRinging, ..., EStatusTransferAlerting }
enumTCallerIdentityRestrict { EIdRestrictDefault, ESendMyId, EDontSendMyId }
enumTCancellationRequest { EGetPhoneIdCancel, EGetSubscriberIdCancel, EGetFlightModeCancel, EFlightModeChangeCancel, ..., EDataLineStatusChangeCancel }
enumTFlightModeStatus { EFlightModeOff, EFlightModeOn }
enumTIccLock { ELockPin1, ELockPin2 }
enumTIccLockSetting { ELockSetUnknown, ELockSetEnabled, ELockSetDisabled }
enumTIccLockStatus { EStatusLockUnknown, EStatusLocked, EStatusUnlocked, EStatusBlocked }
enumTIdentityService { EIdServiceUnspecified, EIdServiceCallerPresentation, EIdServiceCallerRestriction }
enumTIdentityServiceStatus { EIdServiceActivePermanent, EIdServiceActiveDefaultRestricted, EIdServiceActiveDefaultAllowed, EIdServiceNotProvisioned, EIdServiceUnknown }
enumTMobileCallControlCaps { KCapsHold, KCapsResume, KCapsSwap }
enumTNetworkAccess { ENetworkAccessUnknown, ENetworkAccessGsm, ENetworkAccessGsmCompact, ENetworkAccessUtran }
enumTNetworkBandInfo { EBandUnknown, E800BandA, E800BandB, E800BandC, ..., E1900BandF }
enumTNetworkMode { ENetworkModeUnknown, ENetworkModeUnregistered, ENetworkModeGsm, ENetworkModeAmps, ..., ENetworkModeTdcdma }
enumTNetworkStatus { ENetworkStatusUnknown, ENetworkStatusAvailable, ENetworkStatusCurrent, ENetworkStatusForbidden }
enumTNotificationEvent { EFlightModeChange, EIndicatorChange, EBatteryInfoChange, ESignalStrengthChange, ..., EDataLineStatusChange }
enumTPhoneIndicators { KIndChargerConnected, KIndNetworkAvailable, KIndCallInProgress }
enumTPhoneLine { EVoiceLine, EDataLine, EFaxLine }
enumTPhoneNetworkSecurity { ECipheringOff, ECipheringGSM, ECipheringWCDMA }
enumTRegistrationStatus { ERegistrationUnknown, ENotRegisteredNoService, ENotRegisteredEmergencyOnly, ENotRegisteredSearching, ..., ERegisteredRoaming }
enumTServiceGroup { EVoiceService, EFaxService, EDataService }
enumTSupplServiceStatus { EStatusActive, ENotActive, ENotProvisioned, ENotAvailable, EUnknown }
enumTTelNumberNPI { EUnknownNumberingPlan, EIsdnNumberPlan, EDataNumberPlan, ETelexNumberPlan, ..., EERMESNumberPlan }
enumTTelNumberTON { EUnknownNumber, EInternationalNumber, ENationalNumber, ENetworkSpecificNumber, ..., EAbbreviatedNumber }
Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAnswerIncomingCall(TRequestStatus &, TCallId &, const TPhoneLine)
IMPORT_C TIntCancelAsync(TCancellationRequest)
IMPORT_C voidCancelEstablishDataCall()
IMPORT_C voidCancelReceiveDataCall()
IMPORT_C voidDialNewCall(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &, const TTelNumber &, TCallId &, const TPhoneLine)
IMPORT_C TIntEstablishDataCall(TInt &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidEstablishDataCall(TRequestStatus &, TInt &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TIntFindDeviceStatus(TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidGetBatteryInfo(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetCallBarringStatus(TRequestStatus &, const TCallBarringCondition, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup)
IMPORT_C TIntGetCallDynamicCaps(const TCallId &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetCallForwardingStatus(TRequestStatus &, const TCallForwardingCondition, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup)
IMPORT_C TIntGetCallInfo(TDes8 &, TDes8 &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetCallStatus(const TCallId &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetCallWaitingStatus(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup)
IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentNetworkInfo(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentNetworkName(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetFlightMode(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetIdentityServiceStatus(TRequestStatus &, const TIdentityService &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetIndicator(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetLineStatus(const TPhoneLine &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetLockInfo(TRequestStatus &, const TIccLock &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetNetworkRegistrationStatus(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetOperatorName(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetPhoneId(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetSignalStrength(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidGetSubscriberId(TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C voidHangup(TRequestStatus &, const TCallId &)
IMPORT_C voidHold(TRequestStatus &, const TCallId &)
IMPORT_C CTelephony *NewL()
IMPORT_C CTelephony *NewLC()
IMPORT_C voidNotifyChange(TRequestStatus &, const TNotificationEvent &, TDes8 &)
IMPORT_C TIntReceiveDataCall(TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidReceiveDataCall(TRequestStatus &, TInt &)
IMPORT_C voidResume(TRequestStatus &, const TCallId &)
IMPORT_C voidSendDTMFTones(TRequestStatus &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidSwap(TRequestStatus &, const TCallId &, const TCallId &)
IMPORT_C TIntTerminateDataCall()
TVersion Version()
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)

Detailed Description

This class provides a simple interface to the phone's telephony system. It provides two services:

1. You can find out information about the phone. This class provides support for retrieving Phone Settings, Line Information, Call Functionality, Network Information and (basic) Supplementary Service Settings.

2. You can dial, answer and control voice calls. You cannot make fax or data calls.

Architecturally, CTelephony provides an interface to the Telephony Multimode API. This interface exposes only a subset of the complete Multimode functionality.

Note that a CActiveScheduler is required to be installed for all asynchronous CTelephony calls.

Member Type Definition Documentation

Typedef TBatteryInfoV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TBatteryInfoV1 >TBatteryInfoV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallBarringSupplServicesV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallBarringSupplServicesV1 >TCallBarringSupplServicesV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallCapsV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallCapsV1 >TCallCapsV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallParamsV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 >TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallInfoV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallInfoV1 >TCallInfoV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallParamsV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallParamsV1 >TCallParamsV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallParamsV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallSelectionV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallSelectionV1 >TCallSelectionV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallSelectionV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallStatusV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallStatusV1 >TCallStatusV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1 >TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TFlightModeV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TFlightModeV1 >TFlightModeV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TFlightModeV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TIccLockInfoV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TIccLockInfoV1 >TIccLockInfoV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TIdentityServiceV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TIdentityServiceV1 >TIdentityServiceV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TIndicatorV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TIndicatorV1 >TIndicatorV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TNetworkInfoV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNetworkInfoV1 >TNetworkInfoV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TNetworkInfoV2Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNetworkInfoV2 >TNetworkInfoV2Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV2 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TNetworkNameV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNetworkNameV1 >TNetworkNameV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TNetworkNameV2Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNetworkNameV2 >TNetworkNameV2Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TNetworkNameV2 for passing through a generic API method. TNetworkNameV2 differs from Version 1 in that the length of iNetworkName is 20 rather than 16.

Typedef TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TNetworkRegistrationV1 >TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TOperatorNameV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TOperatorNameV1 >TOperatorNameV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TOperatorNameV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TPhoneIdV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TPhoneIdV1 >TPhoneIdV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 for passing through a generic API method

Typedef TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TRemotePartyInfoV1 >TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TSignalStrengthV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TSignalStrengthV1 >TSignalStrengthV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TSubscriberIdV1Pckg

typedef TPckg< TSubscriberIdV1 >TSubscriberIdV1Pckg

A typedef'd packaged CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 for passing through a generic API method.

Typedef TTelNumber

typedef TBuf< KMaxTelNumberSize >TTelNumber

A typedef to hold the telephone number.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum anonymous

Unique parameter class identifier.


Unique reference identifier for Etel 3rd Party v1.0 parameter classes.


Unique reference identifier for Etel 3rd Party v2.0 parameter classes.

Enum anonymous

The maximum number of digits allowed in a multimode telephone number.


Enum anonymous

Max size of Manufacturer Id.


Enum anonymous

Max size of Phone Model Id.


Enum anonymous

Max size ofSerial Number.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of IMSI identifier.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the calling party name.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the network country code.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the network identity..


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the network display tag..


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the short network name.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the long network name.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the short network name version 2.


Enum anonymous

Maximum size of the long network name version 2.


Enum TBatteryStatus

The mobile phone battery status.


The phone software can not determine the phone's current power status.


The phone is powered by the battery.


A battery is connected, but the phone is externally powered.


No battery is connected.


Power fault.

Enum TCallBarringCondition

Call Barring conditions.


All incoming calls to this subscriber are barred (BAIC).


All incoming calls to this subscriber are barred when roaming outside the home PLMN country (BAIC-roam).


All outgoing calls by this subscriber are barred (BAOC).


All outgoing international calls by this subscriber are barred (BOIC).


All outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMN country by this subscriber are barred (BOIC-ExHC).

Enum TCallDirection

The direction of the call.


The direction of the call is unknown.


The call was originated by this phone, i.e. it is an outgoing call.


The call was terminated by this phone, i.e. it is an incoming call.

Enum TCallForwardingCondition

Call Forwarding conditions.


All calls to this subscriber are forwarded.


Calls are forwarded when this subscriber is busy.


Calls are forwarded when this subscriber does not reply within a timeout period.


Calls are forwarded when this subscriber is unreachable.

Enum TCallId

Etel 3rd Party owned call identifiers


Call owned by this ISV application.


Call owned by this ISV application.


Max number of calls supported by Etel 3rd Party.

Enum TCallRemoteIdentityStatus

Remote party identity status.


The remote party's identity can not be determined.


The remote party's identity is available.


The remote party has suppressed the transmission of its identity.

Enum TCallSelect

Select a call defined by it current stats.


Currently active call.


Currently held (applicable only for voice) call.


Call during the setup/disconnecting process - (dialling/connecting/answering/hanging up).

Enum TCallStatus

Describes the possible call or line states.


Indicates that the status is unknown.


Idle line status (no active calls).


Call dialling status .


Call ringing status.


Call answering status.


Call connecting status.


Call connected status.


Call is undergoing temporary channel loss and it may or may not be reconnected.


Call disconnecting status.


Call on hold.


Call is transferring.


Call in transfer is alerting the remote party.

Enum TCallerIdentityRestrict

Caller Id restriction settings.


The default setting should be used if the user has not explicitly requested their identity to be restricted/allowed.


The user has explicitly requested their identity to be sent for this call.


The user has explicitly requested their identity not to be sent for this call.

Enum TCancellationRequest

Cancel apending request


Cancel a pending GetPhoneId request.


Cancel a pending GetSubscriberId request.


Cancel a pending GetFlightMode request.


Cancel a pending FlightModeChange request.


Cancel a pending GetIndicator request.


Cancel a pending IndicatorChange request.


Cancel a pending GetBatteryInfo request.


Cancel a pending BatteryInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending GetSignalStrength request.


Cancel a pending SignalStrengthChange request.


Cancel a pending GetLockInfo request.


Cancel a pending Pin 1 LockInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending Pin 2 LockInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending VoiceLineStatusChange request.


Cancel a pending Call1StatusChange request.


Cancel a pending Call2StatusChange request.


Cancel a pending OwnedCall1RemotePartyInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending OwnedCall2RemotePartyInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending SendDTMFTones request.


Cancel a pending DialNewCall request.


Cancel a pending Hold request.


Cancel a pending Resume request.


Cancel a pending Swap request.


Cancel a pending Hangup request.


Cancel a pending AnswerIncomingCall request.


Cancel a pending GetNetworkRegistrationStatus request.


Cancel a pending NetworkRegistrationStatusChange request.


Cancel a pending GetCurrentNetworkInfo request.


Cancel a pending CurrentNetworkInfoChange request.


Cancel a pending GetCurrentNetworkName request.


Cancel a pending GetOperatorName request.


Cancel a pending GetCallForwardingStatus request.


Cancel a pending GetCallBarringStatus request.


Cancel a pending GetCallWaitingStatus request.


Cancel a pending GetIdentityServiceStatus request.


Cancel a pending FaxLineStatusChange request.


Cancel a pending DataLineStatusChange request.

Enum TFlightModeStatus

The flight mode status.


Flight mode is off.


Flight mode is on.

Enum TIccLock

Pin 1/Pin 2 security


Lock PIN1 on the ICC.


Lock PIN2 on the ICC.

Enum TIccLockSetting

Setting of the ICC lock.


The setting of the lock is unknown.


Lock is enabled, and is available for use. Its status may be CTelephony::EStatusLocked, CTelephony::EStatusUnlocked, or CTelephony::EStatusBlocked.

The associated security code will be required to unlock the lock the next time the lock's status is CTelephony::EStatusLocked.


Lock is disabled. It is not available for use, so its status is always CTelephony::EStatusUnlocked.

Enum TIccLockStatus

Status of an ICC lock.


The status of the lock is unknown.


Lock is closed.

User can not access functionality governed by this lock until user correctly enters associated security code.


Lock is open.

User can access functionality governed by this lock


Lock is blocked.

User should enter the unblocking code to be able to switch back to the unlocked mode. Blocking is enabled after a number of unsuccessful attempts to verify PIN1/2.

Enum TIdentityService

Phone ID services.


The identity service is unspecified.


The caller's ID is presented to the called party.


The caller's ID is restricted to the called party.

Enum TIdentityServiceStatus

Service status of the Phone ID services.


The interrogated identity service is provisioned and permanently active.


The interrogated identity service is provisioned and active. By default, the number is restricted unless overridden by the user.


The interrogated identity service is provisioned and active. By default, the number is displayed unless specifically restricted by the user.


The interrogated identity service is not provisioned.


The status of the interrogated Identity service is unknown.

Enum TMobileCallControlCaps

Mobile call control capabilities.


Indicates that this call can be put on hold. This implies that the call is currently active and that there is no other held call.


Indicates that this call can be resumed. This implies that the call is currently on hold and that there is no other active call.


Indicates that this call's state can be swapped to the opposite state. This implies that this call is either active or held. There may be another call in the opposite state and if this is the case then both calls will be simultaneously swapped to their opposite state.

Enum TNetworkAccess

The access technology that the network is based on.


This is used when there is no network activity and therefore no RAT active.


The access technology is GSM.


The access technology is GSM COMPACT. However GSM COMPACT systems which use GSM frequency bands but with the CBPCCH broadcast channel are considered as a separate access technology from GSM.


The access technology is UTRAN (UMTS Network).

Enum TNetworkBandInfo

Mobile phone network band information.


The current band and band class is unknown.


The network operates at 800MHz on Band A.


The network operates at 800MHz on Band B.


The network operates at 800MHz on Band C.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band A.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band B.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band C.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band D.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band E.


The network operates at 1900MHz on Band F.

Enum TNetworkMode

Defines Current Network Modes.


Network mode is unknown.


Mobile device is not registered.


GSM/GPRS or DCS1800 network.


AMPS network.


CDMA (IS-95) network.


CDMA (cdma2000) network.


WCDMA (UTRA Frequency Division Duplex (FDD)) network.


TD-CDMA (UTRA Time Division Duplex (TDD)) network.

Enum TNetworkStatus

Phone network status.


Status is unknown.


A network that the mobile device is allowed to register to.


Currently registered network.


A network that the ME is not allowed to register to.

Enum TNotificationEvent

Notification events


Register interest for receiving a notification for flight mode changes.

New flight mode returned in a CTelephony::TFlightModeV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TFlightModeV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EFlightModeChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for phone indicator changes.

New indicators returned in a CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TIndicatorV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EIndicatorChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Battery information changes.

New Battery information returned in a CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EBatteryInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Signal Strength changes.

New Signal Strength returned in a CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::ESignalStrengthChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Icc Pin1 Lock Information changes.

New Icc Pin1 Lock Information returned in a CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EPin1LockInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Icc Pin2 Lock Information changes.

New Icc Pin2 Lock Information returned in a CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EPin2LockInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Voice Line Status changes.

New Voice Line Status returned in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EVoiceLineStatusChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for owned Call 1 Status changes.

New Call 1 Status returned in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EOwnedCall1StatusChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for owned Call 2 Status changes.

New Call 2 Status returned in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EOwnedCall2StatusChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Call 1 Remote Party Info changes.

New Call 1 Remote Party Info returned in a CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EOwnedCall1RemotePartyInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Call 2 Remote Party Info changes.

New Call 2 Remote Party Info returned in a CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EOwnedCall2RemotePartyInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Network registration status changes.

New Network registration status returned in a CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::ENetworkRegistrationStatusChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Network information changes.

New Network information returned in a CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::ECurrentNetworkInfoChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Fax Line Status changes.

New Fax Line Status returned in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EFaxLineStatusChangeCancel to cancel.


Register interest for receiving a notification for Data Line Status changes.

New Data Line Status returned in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.

Pass CancelAsync() CTelephony::EDataLineStatusChangeCancel to cancel.

Enum TPhoneIndicators

The mobile phone indicators.


If bit-flag is set to '1' indicates that the battery charger is connected to the phone. If bit-flag is set to '0' indicates that the battery charger is disconnected

For capability: If bit-flag is set to '0' indicates that the battery charger indication reporting is unavailable.


If bit-flag is set to '1' indicates that network service is available. If bit-flag is set to '0' indicates that network service is unavailable

For capability: If bit-flag is set to '0' indicates that the network availability indication reporting is unavailable.


If bit-flag is set to '1' indicates that a call is in progress. If set to '0' indicates that a call is not in progress

For capability: If bit-flag is set to '0' indicates that the call is in progress indication reporting is unavailable.

Enum TPhoneLine

Line types


Voice line.


Data line.


Fax line.

Enum TPhoneNetworkSecurity

Enumerated network security types.


The encryption level is NONE.


The encryption level is GSM.(standard encryption algorithms for 2nd Generation Mobile networks).


The encryption level is WDCMA.(standard encryption algorithms for 3rd Generation Mobile networks).

Enum TRegistrationStatus

The registration status of the phone.


Registration status is unknown.


Not registered. The ME can not detect any other networks and is not currently searching a new operator to register to.


Not registered. The ME can detect other networks on which it is possible to make emergency calls only.


Not registered, but the ME is currently searching a new operator to register to.


Registered, network busy.


Registered on home network.


Registration denied.


Registered, roaming.

Enum TServiceGroup

Service group identifier.


Voice service group


Fax service group


Data service group

Enum TSupplServiceStatus

Supplementary Service status.


The supplementary service is currently active and operative.


The supplementary service is currently deactivated or quiescent.


In GSM/WCDMA mode, the supplementary service is not provisioned. In CDMA mode, this value has no meaning.


In GSM/WCDMA mode, the supplementary service is not available in serving network. In CDMA mode, the supplementary service is not available in the phone.


The phone can not determine supplementary service status.

Enum TTelNumberNPI

Number Plan Indicator.


User or the network has no knowledge of the numbering plan.


ISDN/telephony numbering plan.


Data numbering plan.


Telex numbering plan.


Service centre specific plan used to indicate a numbering plan specific to external Short Message entities attached to the SMSC.


Service centre specific plan used to indicate a numbering plan specific to external Short Message entities attached to the SMSC.


National numbering plan.


Private numbering plan.


ERMES numbering plan.

Enum TTelNumberTON

Address types.


User or the network has no knowledge of the type of number.


International number.


National number.


Administration/service number specific to the serving network, e.g. used to access an operator.


Subscriber number.


Alphanumeric number.


Abbreviated number.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

~CTelephony ( )



Deletes the underlying CTelephonyFunctions object.

Member Function Documentation

AnswerIncomingCall ( TRequestStatus &, TCallId &, const TPhoneLine )

IMPORT_C voidAnswerIncomingCall(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TCallId &aCallId,
const TPhoneLineaLine = EVoiceLine

Answers an incoming new voice call. Fax and data calls cannot be answered.

Answering an incoming call is possible only when the voice line status is ringing (CTelephony::EStatusRinging) and RLine::NotifyIncomingCall has completed.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of AnswerIncomingCall() a call ID is returned to the client via the aCallId argument. The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate the call. It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: DialNewCall() Hold() Resume() Swap() Hangup() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EAnswerIncomingCallCancel to cancel
aCallIdOn completion, contains the call ID.
aLineLine from which the answer request will attempted. Currently, only the voice line is supported.

CancelAsync ( TCancellationRequest )

IMPORT_C TIntCancelAsync(TCancellationRequestaCancel)const

Cancels an outstanding asynchronous request.

The result of the cancellation request will be reflected through the request status of the pending request. A status of KErrCancel denotes that the request has been safely cancelled.

aCancelCanncellation code of request to be cancelled.

CancelEstablishDataCall ( )

IMPORT_C voidCancelEstablishDataCall()

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to cancel an outstanding request to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

CancelReceiveDataCall ( )

IMPORT_C voidCancelReceiveDataCall()

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to cancel an outstanding request to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

DialNewCall ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &, const TTelNumber &, TCallId &, const TPhoneLine )

IMPORT_C voidDialNewCall(TRequestStatus &aStatus,
TDes8 &aCallParams,
const TTelNumber &aTelNumber,
TCallId &aCallId,
const TPhoneLineaLine = EVoiceLine

Initiates a new call.

The client specifies the telephone number via the aTelNumber argument and the desired call parameters via the aCallParams argument.

This is an asynchronous method. After successful completion of the dial request a call identifier is returned back to the client via the aCallId argument. The call identifier is needed to hold, resume, swap, and terminate the call. It is also needed to monitor the status of the call.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() Hold() Resume() Swap() Hangup() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EDialNewCallCancel to cancel.
aCallParamsThe call parameters used by the TSY. Pass a CTelephony::TCallParamsV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallParamsV1.
aTelNumberTelephone number to dial.
aCallIdUpon completion, contains the call identifier.
aLineLine on which call can be made. Currently, only voice calls are supported.

EstablishDataCall ( TInt &, const TDesC & )

IMPORT_C TIntEstablishDataCall(TInt &aDataChannel,
const TDesC &aDialNumber

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

Return Value

EstablishDataCall ( TRequestStatus &, TInt &, const TDesC & )

IMPORT_C voidEstablishDataCall(TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus,
TInt &aDataChannel,
const TDesC &aDialNumber

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to establish a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

FindDeviceStatus ( TInt & )

IMPORT_C TIntFindDeviceStatus(TInt &aCallStatus)

This method is no longer supported.


Return Value

GetBatteryInfo ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetBatteryInfo(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aBatteryInfo

Retrieves the status and charge level of the phone battery.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the battery information is returned via the packaged aDes argument.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
aBatteryInfoContains a CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TBatteryInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetCallBarringStatus ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallBarringCondition, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup )

IMPORT_C voidGetCallBarringStatus(TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus,
const TCallBarringConditionaCondition,
TDes8 &aSSInfo,
const TServiceGroupaServiceGroup = EVoiceService

Interrogate the current status of the call barring services.

Specify the condition for enquiry via the aCondition argument. Upon successful completion the status information is returned via the aSSInfo argument. Support is available only for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aRequestStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCallBarringStatusCancel to cancel.
aConditionCall barring condition to be interrogated.
aSSInfoContains a CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TCallBarringSupplServicesV1 class which is filled on completion.
aServiceGroupService group to be interrogated.

GetCallDynamicCaps ( const TCallId &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntGetCallDynamicCaps(const TCallId &aCallId,
TDes8 &aCallCaps

Retrieves the dynamic call capabilities for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.

The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument. Upon successful retrieval the call control capabilities (Hold, Resume and Swap) are returned via the aCaps argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aCallIdCall ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
aCallCapsOn completion contains a CTelephony::TCallCapsV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallCapsV1 containing the call's dynamic capabilities.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

GetCallForwardingStatus ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallForwardingCondition, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup )

IMPORT_C voidGetCallForwardingStatus(TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus,
const TCallForwardingConditionaCondition,
TDes8 &aSSInfo,
const TServiceGroupaServiceGroup = EVoiceService

Interrogates the current status of the call forwarding services.

Specify the condition for enquiry via the aCondition argument.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the status information is returned via the aSSInfo argument. Support is available only for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.

aRequestStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCallForwardingStatusCancel to cancel.
aConditionCall forwarding condition to be interrogated.
aSSInfoContains a CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TCallForwardingSupplServicesV1 class which is filled on completion.
aServiceGroupService group to be interrogated.

GetCallInfo ( TDes8 &, TDes8 &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntGetCallInfo(TDes8 &aCallSelect,
TDes8 &aCallInfo,
TDes8 &aRemoteInfo

Retrieves information about the call selected by the aCallSelect argument.

If a call with the appropriate status is not available, then KErrNotFound is returned. Upon successful completion the call information will be returned via the aCallInfo and aRemoteCallInfo arguments.

This functionality should be used after a notification of an incoming call, notification of line status change to dialling, or notification of remote party info change. Notification is requested with CTelephony::NotifyChange(). After completion of the notification the client should immediately request information about the call.

aCallSelectIdentifies the call for which information is retrieved.
aCallInfoContains CTelephony::TCallInfoV1Pckg, the packaged CTelephony::TCallInfoV1 parameter class which is filled on completion.
aRemoteInfoContains CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1Pckg, the packaged CTelephony::TRemotePartyInfoV1 parameter class which is filled on completion.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

GetCallStatus ( const TCallId &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntGetCallStatus(const TCallId &aCallId,
TDes8 &aCallStatus

Retrieves the status of the selected call specified by the aCallId argument.

The current status of the selected call is returned to the client via the aStatus argument. GetCallStatus is available only for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() DialNewCall() Hold() Resume() Swap() Hangup() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aCallIdCall ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
aCallStatusOn completion contains a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged CTelephony::TCallStatusV1 containing the call status.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

GetCallWaitingStatus ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 &, const TServiceGroup )

IMPORT_C voidGetCallWaitingStatus(TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus,
TDes8 &aSSInfo,
const TServiceGroupaServiceGroup = EVoiceService

Interrogate the current status of the call waiting services.

Upon successful completion the status information is returned via the aSSInfo argument. Support is available only for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aRequestStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CCTelephony::ancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCallWaitingStatusCancel to cancel.
aSSInfoContains a CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TCallWaitingSupplServicesV1 class which is filled on completion.
aServiceGroupService group to be interrogated.

GetCurrentNetworkInfo ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentNetworkInfo(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aNetworkInfo

Retrieves over-the-air network information about the currently registered mobile network.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the network information is returned via the aDes argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkInfoCancel to cancel. KErrAccessDenied is given to this request status if the device is in flight mode.
aNetworkInfoContains a CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TNetworkInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.
ReadDeviceDatabecause Cell ID is retrieved from the platform.

GetCurrentNetworkName ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetCurrentNetworkName(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aNetworkName

Retrieves ICC-stored information about the (preferred) name of the currently registered mobile network.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion the retrieved network name(s) is returned via the aDes argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

Cancellation of the request can be achieved by passing CTelephony::EGetCurrentNetworkNameCancel to the function CTelephony::CancelAsync().

Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. KErrAccessDenied will be returned if the phone is in flight mode.
aNetworkNameContains a CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TNetworkNameV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetFlightMode ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetFlightMode(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aMode

Retrieves the current flight mode status. The flight mode is returned via the aMode argument.

This is an asynchronous method.

If the flight mode status is set to "off" then all network-related requests are disabled.

If the phones software does not support this feature then this method returns KErrNotSupported.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetFlightModeCancel to cancel.
aModeContains a CTelephony::TFlightModeV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TFlightModeV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetIdentityServiceStatus ( TRequestStatus &, const TIdentityService &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetIdentityServiceStatus(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TIdentityService &aService,
TDes8 &aStatus

Interrogate the current status of the identity services.

Specify the service for enquiry via the aService argument. Upon successful completion the service status is returned via the aStatus argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetIdentityServiceStatusCancel to cancel.
aStatusContains a CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TIdentityServiceV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetIndicator ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetIndicator(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aIndicator

Retrieves the battery charging indicator, the network availability indicator and call-in-progress indicator.

This is an asynchronous method. The method returns two flags for each indicator: the first is a capability flag; it says whether the indicator is valid. The second flag is the indicator itself.

For instance, two flags are returned for the battery charging indicator. The capability flag is only set if the phone can detect when a charger is connected. The indicator flag is only set when a charger is actually connected. The indicator flag is only valid when the capability flag is set.

Six flags, two for each indicator, are returned by this method in the packaged aIndicator parameter.

See also: TPhoneIndicators

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetBatteryInfoCancel to cancel.
aIndicatorContains a CTelephony::TIndicatorV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TIndicatorV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetLineStatus ( const TPhoneLine &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C TIntGetLineStatus(const TPhoneLine &aLine,
TDes8 &aStatus

Retrieves the status of the line selected by the aLine argument. The current status of the selected line is returned to the client via the aStatus argument.

When only one call is in progress, the line status is identical to the status of the call.

When two calls are in progress (one active and one on hold) then the status of the most "active" (connected and active or in progress) call is returned.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aLineIdentifier to line from which status is to be retrieved.
aStatusOn completion contains the current line status in a CTelephony::TCallStatusV1Pckg, a packaged version of CTelephony::TCallStatusV1.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.

GetLockInfo ( TRequestStatus &, const TIccLock &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetLockInfo(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TIccLock &aLock,
TDes8 &aLockInfo

Some phones allow users to lock them to prevent unauthorised use. Typically, a code must be entered to unlock the phone.

This method retrieves the state and status of ICC locks PIN1/2. The client selects the lock that it wishes to retrieve the status and state of.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the PIN1/2 information is returned via the aDes argument.

Note that this member function does not concern the keypad locks. Nor does it concern the lock that the networks use to prevent a phone from being used on other networks.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetLockInfoCancel to cancel.
aLockLock to interrogate. Either Pin1 or Pin2.
aLockInfoContains a CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TIccLockInfoV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetNetworkRegistrationStatus ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetNetworkRegistrationStatus(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aStatus

Retrieves the current network registration status.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of this request the registration status is returned via the aDes argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetNetworkRegistrationStatusCancel to cancel.
aStatusContains a CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TNetworkRegistrationV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetOperatorName ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetOperatorName(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aOperator

Retrieve ICC stored information about the currently registered mobile network. Upon successful completion the retrieved network name(s) is returned via the aOperator argument.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

Cancellation of the request can be achieved by passing CTelephony::EGetOperatorNameCancel to the function CTelephony::CancelAsync().

Note: This information is only available on GSM/WCDMA networks.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. KErrAccessDenied will be returned if the phone is in flight mode.
aOperatorContains a CTelephony::TOperatorNameV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TOperatorNameV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetPhoneId ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetPhoneId(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aId

Retrieves the model information and unique identification of the mobile device.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the manufacturer name, model and serial number (IMEI or ESN) are returned back to the client via the aDes argument.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetPhoneIdCancel to cancel.
aIdContains a CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TPhoneIdV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetSignalStrength ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetSignalStrength(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aSignalStrength

Retrieves the phone's current signal strength via the aDes argument.

This is an asynchronous method.

If signal strength information is not supported by the phone the method will return KErrNotSupported. If no signal strength information is currently available the method will return KErrNotFound.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSignalStrengthCancel to cancel.
aSignalStrengthContains a CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TSignalStrengthV1 class which is filled on completion.

GetSubscriberId ( TRequestStatus &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidGetSubscriberId(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
TDes8 &aId

Retrieves information about the mobile device's current subscriber. This will normally identify the SIM card on GSM and WCDMA networks or the R-UIM card on CDMA networks. It is independent of the phone.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of the request the serial number of the SIM or R-UIM card is returned back to the client via the aDes argument.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EGetSubscriberIdCancel to cancel.
aIdContains a CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1Pckg, a packaged version of the CTelephony::TSubscriberIdV1 class which is filled on completion.

Hangup ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallId & )

IMPORT_C voidHangup(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TCallId &aCallId

Hangs up a call. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.

The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument.

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hangup, the line and call status might be affected. Hangup is available only for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() DialNewCall() Hold() Resume() Swap() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHangupCancel to cancel.
aCallIdCall ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().

Hold ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallId & )

IMPORT_C voidHold(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TCallId &aCallId

Places a call on hold. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.

The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Hold operation for this call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Hold, line and call status might be affected by this operation. Hold is only available for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() DialNewCall() Resume() Swap() Hangup() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EHoldCancel to cancel.
aCallIdCall ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().

NewL ( )

IMPORT_C CTelephony *NewL()[static]

Constructs a CTelephony object.

No pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.

The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable stored in the Heap.

Return Value
Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.

NewLC ( )

IMPORT_C CTelephony *NewLC()[static]

Constructs a CTelephony object.

A pointer to this object is left on the CleanupStack.

The returned pointer is typically assigned to a pointer-variable on the stack.

Return Value
Pointer to a newly created CTelephony object.

NotifyChange ( TRequestStatus &, const TNotificationEvent &, TDes8 & )

IMPORT_C voidNotifyChange(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TNotificationEvent &aEvent,
TDes8 &aDes

Registers interest in receiving change notifications for events.

Specify the event that you are interested with the aEvent parameter.

Each event is associated with a packaged class. Pass an instance of this class to this method. Then, when the event occurs, information relating to the event is written into it. The description of CTelephony::TNotificationEvent tells you the information class for each event.

This is an asynchronous method. Notification can be cancelled using the cancellation codes specified in CTelephony::TNotificationEvent. Pass the appropriate code to CTelephony::CancelAsync() to cancel the notification request.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes.
aEventEvent on which change notification is requested.
aDesPackaged information class. On completion, information relating to the event is written into this class. Until then, this class's data is not valid.
DependentThis function depends on the TNotificationEvent value passed to it.

ReceiveDataCall ( TInt & )

IMPORT_C TIntReceiveDataCall(TInt &aDataChannel)

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

Return Value

ReceiveDataCall ( TRequestStatus &, TInt & )

IMPORT_C voidReceiveDataCall(TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus,
TInt &aDataChannel

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to receive a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

Resume ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallId & )

IMPORT_C voidResume(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TCallId &aCallId

Resumes a held call. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony. The client specifies the call ID via the aCallId argument.

The call's dynamic capabilities must allow the Resume operation for this call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().

This is an asynchronous method. Upon successful completion of Resume, line and call status might be affected by this operation. Resume is only available for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() DialNewCall() Hold() Swap() Hangup() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::EResumeCancel to cancel.
aCallIdCall ID, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().

SendDTMFTones ( TRequestStatus &, const TDesC & )

IMPORT_C voidSendDTMFTones(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TDesC &aTones

Transmits DTMF tones across all the current active voice calls.

This is an asynchronous method. The request completes when the tones have been sent. The string of DTMF characters is passed via the aTones parameter. The string of DTMF characters can contain one or more DTMF tone(s).

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. use CTelephony::ESendDTMFTonesCancel to cancel.
aTonesString containing tones to transmit. It can contain one or more occurance of the numbers 0 to 9, * and #.

Swap ( TRequestStatus &, const TCallId &, const TCallId & )

IMPORT_C voidSwap(TRequestStatus &aReqStatus,
const TCallId &aCallId1,
const TCallId &aCallId2

Swaps calls. This is only for calls you dialled or answered with CTelephony.

Swap is possible only if both calls are owned by this ISV application. The client specifies the call ids via the aCallId1 and aCallId2 arguments.

This is an asynchronous method.

The calls' dynamic capabilities must allow the Swap operation for this call to have successful completion of this request; see CTelephony::GetCallDynamicCaps().

Swap is only available for the voice line.

This functionality is not available when the phone is in "flight" mode.

See also: AnswerIncomingCall() DialNewCall() Hold() Resume() Hangup() GetCallStatus() GetCallDynamicCaps()

aReqStatusReturns the result code after the asynchronous call completes. Pass CTelephony::CancelAsync() CTelephony::ESwapCancel to cancel.
aCallId1ID of a call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().
aCallId2ID of another call, as returned by CTelephony::DialNewCall() or CTelephony::AnswerIncomingCall().

TerminateDataCall ( )

IMPORT_C TIntTerminateDataCall()

This method is no longer supported.

It was used to terminate a circuit-switched data call, but support was removed as functionality was no longer required by licensees. Developers should consider using GPRS via RConnection and RSocket for data functionality instead.


See also: RConnection RSocket RMobilePhone

Return Value

Version ( )

TVersion Version()const [inline]

Get current CTelephony version

This function returns major, minor, and build version-numbers.

Return Value
TVersion object, see E32STD.H