CAnimDll Class Reference

#include <w32adll.h>

class CAnimDll : public CBase

Inherits from

Detailed Description

Animation DLL factory interface.

An animation DLL class must be a derived class of CAnimDll, and can be thought of as a server side factory class. CAnimDll consists of a single pure virtual factory function, CreateInstanceL(TInt aType), which is used to create new instances of animation objects of type CAnim contained in the DLL. Animation DLL objects are created by the CreateCAnimDllL() function, which is called by the window server at the request of the client.

For efficiency reasons, it makes sense to collect multiple animation classes into a single DLL, even if they are otherwise logically quite separate classes.

Member Function Documentation

CreateInstanceL ( TInt )

CAnim *CreateInstanceL(TIntaType)[pure virtual]

Factory function for animation DLLs.

It must be provided in the derived class.

The parameter can be used to differentiate between multiple animation classes contained in the same animation DLL.

aTypeIdentifies an animation class to be constructed. This is the same value as the aType argument of the client side animation constructor RAnim::Construct(). It is passed from the client side by the animation framework.
Return Value
Pointer to a CAnim-derived animation class object.