MRemConDatabaseUnawareMediaLibraryBrowse Class Reference

#include <remcondatabaseunawaremedialibrarybrowse.h>

Link against: remconmediabrowseapi.lib

class MRemConDatabaseUnawareMediaLibraryBrowse

Member Function Documentation

MrcdumlbFolderDownResult ( TUint, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbFolderDownResult(TUintaItemCount,

Called by the client in response to a MrcdumlboFolderDown() call.

aItemCountThe number of items present in this folder.
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboFolderDown() operationKErrNone if the operation was successful.KErrMediaBrowseInvalidDirection if the folder provided is not a valid folder e.g. path A/B/C, the current dirctory is B, and the param provided with MrcdumlboFolderDown()is A, obviously you can not change folder down to A, so A is invalid.KErrMediaBrowseNotADirectory if the UID provided does not refer to a folder item, e.g. it is a media element.KErrInvalidUid if the UID provided is invalid.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbFolderItemResult ( const TRemConItemUid &, const TDesC8 &, TFolderItemType, TFolderItemPlayable, const TArray< TMediaElementAttribute > &, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbFolderItemResult(const TRemConItemUid &aFolderID,
const TDesC8 &aFolderName,
const TArray< TMediaElementAttribute > &aAttributes,

Called by the client in response to MrcdumlboGetItem() call in the case the requested item is a folder item.

aFolderIDThe folder UID.
aFolderNameThe folder name. Takes a copy of it.
aFolderTypeThe folder type.
aPlayableIndicaties whether the folder is playableKFolderNotPlayable the folder can not be playedKFolderPlayable the folder can be played
aAttributesThe attributes of the folder item requested by MrcdumlboGetItem()
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboGetItem() operation.KErrNone if the operation was successful.KErrInvalidUid if the uid of the item requested is invalid, e.g. the client removed the item before the request MrcdumlboGetItem() coming.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbFolderListing ( const TArray< TRemConItem > &, TUint )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbFolderListing(const TArray< TRemConItem > &aFolderListing,

Called by the client in response to a MrcdumlboGetFolderListing() call.

aFolderListingA listing of the items that are in the range requested by the MrcdumlboGetFolderListing() call.
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboGetFolderListing() operation.KErrNone if the operation was successful.KErrMediaBrowseInvalidOffset if there is no media available at the offset of the start item, i.e. the start of range provided via MrcdumlboGetFolderListing() is not valid.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbFolderUpResult ( TUint, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbFolderUpResult(TUintaItemCount,

Called by the client in response to a MrcdumlboFolderUp call.

aItemCountThe number of items present in this folder.
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboFolderUp operation.KErrNone if the operation was successful.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbGetPathResult ( TUint, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbGetPathResult(TUintaItemCount,

Called by the client in response to a MrcdumlboGetPath() call.

aItemCountThe number of items present in this folder.
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboGetPath() operationKErrNone if the operation is successful.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbMediaElementItemResult ( const TRemConItemUid &, const TDesC8 &, TMediaItemType, const TArray< TMediaElementAttribute > &, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbMediaElementItemResult(const TRemConItemUid &aMediaID,
const TDesC8 &aMediaName,
const TArray< TMediaElementAttribute > &aAttributes,

Called by the client in response to MrcdumlboGetItem() call in the case the requested item is a media element item.

aMediaIDThe media element UID.
aMediaNameThe media name. Takes a copy of it.
aMediaTypeThe media type.
aAttributesThe attributes list. Takes a copy of it.
aResultThe result of the MrcdumlboGetItem() operation.KErrNone if the operation was successful.KErrInvalidUid if the uid of the item requested is invalid, e.g. the client removed the item before the request MrcdumlboGetItem() coming.System wide error code otherwise.

MrcdumlbMediaLibraryStateChange ( )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbMediaLibraryStateChange()

Called by the client to indicate changes to the media database in the client.

MrcdumlbSearchResult ( TUint, TInt )

IMPORT_C voidMrcdumlbSearchResult(TUintaNumberItemsFound,

Called by the client in response to a MrcdumlboSearch() call to indicate that a search has completed.

aNumberItemsFoundThe number of items found by the search.
aResultThe result of the search.KErrNone if the search completed successfullySystem wide error otherwise.