MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver Class Reference

#include <mda/client/utility.h>

class MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver
Public Member Functions
pure virtual voidMoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase *, TInt, TInt, TInt)

Detailed Description

An interface class for handling the change of state of an audio data sample object.

The class is a mixin and is intended to be inherited by the client class which is observing the audio recording or the audio conversion operation. The class defines a single function which must be implemented by the inheriting client class.

This class is maintained for binary compatibility with versions prior to 7.0s.

Defined in MMdaObjectStateChangeObserver: MoscoStateChangeEvent()

Member Function Documentation

MoscoStateChangeEvent ( CBase *, TInt, TInt, TInt )

voidMoscoStateChangeEvent(CBase *aObject,
)[pure virtual]

This method is used to receive the updated state of an audio data sample object. This method must be implemented by the inheriting client class.

aObjectThe audio data sample object whose state has changed.
aPreviousStateThis is the previous state of the audio data sample object before it went into the current state. It is expected to be one of the enum values defined in CMdaAudioClipUtility::TState, which defines the possible states of an audio data sample.
aCurrentStateThis is the current state of the audio data sample object. It is expected to be one of the enum values defined in CMdaAudioClipUtility::TState, which defines the possible states of an audio data sample.
aErrorCodeA system wide error code, KErrNone for sucessful completion. KErrInUse, KErrDied or KErrAccessDenied may be returned to indicate that the sound device is in use by another higher priority client.