TNonPrintingCharVisibility Class Reference

#include <frmvis.h>

class TNonPrintingCharVisibility

Detailed Description

A set of flags to indicate which non-printing characters (e.g. space, tab, paragraph break, etc.) should be drawn using symbols. By default, all non-printing characters are hidden.

An instance of this class is used in CTextLayout::SetNonPrintingCharsVisibility().

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TNonPrintingCharVisibility ( )


TNonPrintingCharVisibility ( const TNonPrintingCharVisibility & )

IMPORT_CTNonPrintingCharVisibility(const TNonPrintingCharVisibility &aVisibility)

Member Function Documentation

AllVisible ( )

TBool AllVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether all non-printing characters are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if all non-printing characters are visible. EFalse if any or all hidden.

ExternalizeL ( RWriteStream & )

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const

Externalises a TNonPrintingCharVisibility object to a write stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to externalise objects of this class.

aStreamStream to which the object should be externalised.

InternalizeL ( RReadStream & )

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)

Internalises a TNonPrintingCharVisibility object from a read stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() (defined in s32strm.h) is available to internalise objects of this class.

aStreamStream from which the object should be internalised.

LineBreaksVisible ( )

TBool LineBreaksVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether forced line break characters are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if forced line break characters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

NonBreakingHyphensVisible ( )

TBool NonBreakingHyphensVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether non-breaking hyphens (enclosing word is always kept on the same line) are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if non-breaking hyphens are visible. EFalse if hidden.

NonBreakingSpacesVisible ( )

TBool NonBreakingSpacesVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether non-breaking spaces are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if non-breaking spaces are visible. EFalse if hidden.

NoneVisible ( )

TBool NoneVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether all non-printing characters are hidden.

Return Value
ETrue if all non-printing characters are hidden. EFalse if any are visible.

PageBreaksVisible ( )

TBool PageBreaksVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether page break characters are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if page break characters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

ParagraphDelimitersVisible ( )

TBool ParagraphDelimitersVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether paragraph delimiters are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if paragraph delimiters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

PotentialHyphensVisible ( )

TBool PotentialHyphensVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether potential hyphen characters (inserted before a line break within a word) are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if potential hyphen characters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

SetAllVisible ( )

IMPORT_C voidSetAllVisible()

Sets all non-printing characters to be drawn using symbols.

SetLineBreaksVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetLineBreaksVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of line breaks (force a new line without beginning a new paragraph).

aVisibleTrue for visible line breaks. False for hidden.

SetNonBreakingHyphensVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetNonBreakingHyphensVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of non-breaking hyphens (enclosing word is always kept on the same line).

aVisibleTrue for visible non-breaking hyphens, false for hidden.

SetNonBreakingSpacesVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetNonBreakingSpacesVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of non-breaking spaces.

aVisibleTrue for visible non-breaking spaces, false for hidden.

SetNoneVisible ( )

IMPORT_C voidSetNoneVisible()

Sets all non-printing characters to be hidden.

SetPageBreaksVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetPageBreaksVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of page breaks.

aVisibleTrue for visible page breaks, false for hidden.

SetParagraphDelimitersVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetParagraphDelimitersVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of paragraph delimiters.

aVisibleTrue for visible paragraph delimiters, false for hidden.

SetPotentialHyphensVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetPotentialHyphensVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of potential hyphens (inserted before a line break within a word).

aVisibleTrue for visible potential hyphens, false for hidden.

SetSpacesVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetSpacesVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of space characters.

aVisibleTrue for visible space characters. False for hidden.

SetTabsVisible ( TBool )

IMPORT_C voidSetTabsVisible(TBoolaVisible)

Sets the visibility of tab stops.

aVisibleTrue for visible tab stops. False for hidden.

SpacesVisible ( )

TBool SpacesVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether space characters are visible.

Note: To get the the visibility of non-breaking space characters, use NonBreakingSpacesVisible() instead.

Return Value
ETrue if space characters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

TabsVisible ( )

TBool TabsVisible()const [inline]

Tests whether tab stop characters are visible.

Return Value
ETrue if tab stop characters are visible. EFalse if hidden.

operator= ( const TNonPrintingCharVisibility & )

IMPORT_C TNonPrintingCharVisibility &operator=(const TNonPrintingCharVisibility &aVisibility)