NokiaAccount::Registration Class Reference

#include <mw/noa/registration.h>

Link against: noaipcclient.lib

class NokiaAccount::Registration : public QObject, public QObject, public QObject

Registration Manager API.

Inherits from

  • NokiaAccount::Registration
    Public Member Functions
    Registration(const QString &, const QString &, const ConnectionDetail &, bool, QObject *)
    QStringList availableUserNames()
    QPixmap captchaImage()
    ConsentQueryVariant consentQueryVariant()
    QString countryCode()
    QString guardianToken()
    ProfileInfo operatorProfile()
    Strength passwordStrength(const QString &)
    intregisterAccount(const RegistrationInfo &, const QString &)
    intregisterAccount(const RegistrationInfo &, const QString &, SSOAccountCategoryType)
    intretrieveCaptchaImage(const QSize &)
    intretrieveEmailIdAvailability(const QString &)
    intretrieveSecurityQuestionList(const QLocale::Language &)
    intretrieveSecurityQuestionList(const QString &)
    intretrieveTermsOfService(const QString &, const QLocale::Language &, const QLocale::Country &, const TermsFormat &)
    intretrieveTermsOfService(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const TermsFormat &)
    intretrieveUserNameAvailability(const QString &)
    QMap< QString, QString >securityQuestionList()
    intsignInAsGuardian(const QString &, const QString &)
    TermsAcceptanceData termsAcceptance()
    QString termsOfService(const Terms &)
    QString updateAcceptedTCVersion()
    Public Signals
    voididentityNotificationUpdate(ESSONotification, ESSONotifyStatusCode, QString)
    voidrequestFinished(ErrorCode, RequestType, int)
    Inherited Attributes
    Inherited Functions
    QObject::QObject(QObjectPrivate &,QObject *)
    QObject::childEvent(QChildEvent *)
    QObject::connect(const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,Qt::ConnectionType)
    QObject::connect(const QObject *,const char *,const QObject *,const char *,Qt::ConnectionType)
    QObject::connect(const QObject *,const char *,const char *,Qt::ConnectionType)const
    QObject::connectNotify(const char *)
    QObject::customEvent(QEvent *)
    QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &,const QObject *,const QMetaMethod &)
    QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const char *)
    QObject::disconnect(const QObject *,const char *,const QObject *,const char *)
    QObject::disconnect(const char *,const QObject *,const char *)
    QObject::disconnectNotify(const char *)
    QObject::event(QEvent *)
    QObject::eventFilter(QObject *,QEvent *)
    QObject::findChild(const QString &)const
    QObject::findChildren(const QRegExp &)const
    QObject::findChildren(const QString &)const
    QObject::inherits(const char *)const
    QObject::installEventFilter(QObject *)
    QObject::moveToThread(QThread *)
    QObject::property(const char *)const
    QObject::receivers(const char *)const
    QObject::removeEventFilter(QObject *)
    QObject::setObjectName(const QString &)
    QObject::setParent(QObject *)
    QObject::setProperty(const char *,const QVariant &)
    QObject::setUserData(uint,QObjectUserData *)
    QObject::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *)

    Detailed Description

    The Registration class object is used to Register/Sign-up for Nokia Account. The APIs are provided for retrieving the security question list, available usernames, terms of service and Captcha image for registering.

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    Registration ( const QString &, const QString &, const ConnectionDetail &, bool, QObject * )

    Registration(const QString &consumerKey,
    const QString &consumerSecret,
    const ConnectionDetail &connectionDetail,
    booluseAsync = false,
    QObject *parent = 0



    consumerKeyConsumer key.
    consumerSecretConsumer secret.
    connectionDetailProxy connection details and timeout value.

    ~Registration ( )




    Member Function Documentation

    availableUserNames ( )

    QStringList availableUserNames()

    Returns list of available usernames in case the user name chosen by the end user is not available. If user name is available list is empty.

    Returns list of available usernames in case the user name chosen by the end user is not available. If user name is available list is empty.

    Return Value
    QStringList List of available user names.

    cancelAsyncRequest ( int )

    voidcancelAsyncRequest(intrequestId = 0)

    Cancels any outstanding asynchronous requests. Cancels a specific request if ID is given, if none all outstanding requests are cancelled.


    throw if the request is not valid.

    Cancels any outstanding asynchronous requests.
    requestIdIdentifies the specific request to be cancelled.

    captchaImage ( )

    QPixmap captchaImage()

    Gets the retrieved captcha image.

    Gets the retrieved captcha image.

    Return Value
    Captcha image as a QPixmap object.

    consentQueryVariant ( )

    ConsentQueryVariant consentQueryVariant()

    Synchronously gets the consent. This API should be called only if the consentQueryVariant is success. Returns the int for the query consent, The conset returned can be QueryVariantImplicit,QueryVariantPreTicked,QueryVariantUnTicked QueryVariantUnTickedWithCopyText. Returns QueryVariantNone if the API is called without calling consentQueryVariant

    synchronously get conset query for Single Marketing consent

    Return Value
    Int value based on the value returned from backend. 0 -QueryVariantNone, if there is some error.

    countryCode ( )

    QString countryCode()

    Returns country code as QString in IS0-3166 starndard.

    Returns country code as QString in IS0-3166 starndard.

    Return Value
    QString Two letter country code in ISo-3166 standard.

    guardianToken ( )

    QString guardianToken()

    Returns the guardian Token. This token is used for registration in case of minor registration Client can use this guardian token only once. After successful registration, guardian token will be cleared. This call will not generate new token, and hence does not connect to backend.

    Returns the current token.

    Return Value
    Cached guardian token is returned as a QString.

    identityNotificationUpdate ( ESSONotification, ESSONotifyStatusCode, QString )


    initialized ( bool )


    isTCVersionUpdated ( )


    Synchronous call to check if Terms and Conditions is updated for Ovi Store with Orange

    Synchronous call to check if Terms and Conditions is updated for Ovi Store with Orange

    Return Value
    isTCVersionUpdated. deprecated apiisTCVersionUpdated.

    operatorProfile ( )

    ProfileInfo operatorProfile()

    This is synchronous call. This is synchronous call.

    Return Value
    QVariant that contains ProfileInfoData structure, it holds information fetched from server deprecated apiQVariant that contains ProfileInfoData structure, it holds information fetched from server

    passwordStrength ( const QString & )

    Strength passwordStrength(const QString &password)

    Returns the strength of the password. The value returned is an enum indicating whether the password is weak,medium,strong,too short or too long. By default it returns unknown strength when the password passed is empty.

    Returns the strength of the password.

    passwordwhose strength has to be measured.
    Return Value
    Strength of the password. (password strength explained in Integration guide password_strength )

    registerAccount ( const RegistrationInfo &, const QString & )

    intregisterAccount(const RegistrationInfo &registrationInfo,
    const QString &guardianToken =  QString("")

    registerAccount Asynchronously register for Nokia Account. Aka Sign-up.

    Asynchronously register for Account. Aka Sign-up. // Added for backward compatibility.

    registrationInfoContains all information needed to register the end user.
    guardianTokencontains token for guardian in case of minor
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    registerAccount ( const RegistrationInfo &, const QString &, SSOAccountCategoryType )

    intregisterAccount(const RegistrationInfo &registrationInfo,
    const QString &guardianToken,
    SSOAccountCategoryTypeaccountType = eAccountCategoryDefault

    registerAccount Asynchronously register for Nokia Account. Aka Sign-up.

    Asynchronously register for Account. Aka Sign-up.

    registrationInfoContains all information needed to register the end user.
    guardianTokencontains token for guardian in case of minor
    accountTypeIts for the Federated clients, clients can specify the type of account to be created.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    requestFinished ( ErrorCode, RequestType, int )


    Signal to indicate that the specified request id has finished.

    errorIndicates the type of error or ErrNone.
    requestTypeIndicates the Requested operation type.
    requestIdThe request id for which the signal is generated.

    retrieveCaptchaImage ( const QSize & )

    intretrieveCaptchaImage(const QSize &size =  DEFAULTCAPTCHASIZE )

    Retrieve captcha image from backend. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received, the client needs to call captchaImage(). Optional size can be specified in terms of width and height limits min = 10 and max = 700. Default is 200 x 50.

    Retrieve captcha image from backend.

    sizeOptionally specify the required size of the captcha image.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveConsentQueryVariant ( )


    Asynchronously gets the consent query inforation. Signal indicates success or failure.

    Asynchronously get conset query information for Single Marketing consent from the backend

    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveEmailIdAvailability ( const QString & )

    intretrieveEmailIdAvailability(const QString &emailId)

    Checks if given email-id is available with the backend.

    Checks if given email id is available.

    emailId- Email Id to be checked if available.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveSecurityQuestionList ( const QLocale::Language & )

    intretrieveSecurityQuestionList(const QLocale::Language &language)

    Retrieve list of security questions. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received, the client should call securityQuestionList() to retrieve the questions list.

    Retrieve list of security questions.

    languageLanguage code to which security questions have to be localized.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveSecurityQuestionList ( const QString & )

    intretrieveSecurityQuestionList(const QString &language)

    Retrieve list of security questions. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received, the client should call securityQuestionList() to retrieve the questions list.

    Retrieve list of security questions.

    languageLanguage string code to which security questions have to be localized. language string is validated at the enabler, if the passed language string is invalid (not as per BCP47 standards) it emits the requestFinished signal with errorInvalidLanguage. BCP-formats for the language, language-script-region (example: zh-Hant-HK) language-script (example : zh-Hant) langugae-region (example: zh-HK) language (example: zh)
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveTermsOfService ( const QString &, const QLocale::Language &, const QLocale::Country &, const TermsFormat & )

    intretrieveTermsOfService(const QString &serviceId,
    const QLocale::Language &language = QLocale::C,
    const QLocale::Country &country = QLocale::AnyCountry,
    const TermsFormat &format = TermsFormatText

    Retrieves the terms of service. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received the client should call termsOfService().

    Retrieves the terms of service .

    serviceIdIn case the TOS is service specific, then service id should be provided. this value can be OviMail for fetching OviMail related ServoceSpecific and Privacy policy urls. service id ="Ovimail"
    languageLanguage in which terms of service has to be localized.
    countryCountry for terms of service.
    formatis the format of the file that is returned
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveTermsOfService ( const QString &, const QString &, const QString &, const TermsFormat & )

    intretrieveTermsOfService(const QString &serviceId,
    const QString &language,
    const QString &country,
    const TermsFormat &format = TermsFormatText

    Retrieves the terms of service. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received the client should call termsOfService().

    serviceIdIn case the TOS is service specific, then service id should be provided. this value can be OviMail for fetching OviMail related ServoceSpecific and Privacy policy urls. service id ="Ovimail"
    languageLanguage in which terms of service has to be localized. language string is validated at the enabler ,if it is invalid (not BCP-format),it emits requestFinished signal with errorInvalidLanguage.
    countryCountry for terms of string is validated at the enabler,if it is invalid (not as BCP-format),it emits the requestFinished signal with errorInvalidCountry.
    formatis the format of the file that is returned
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retrieveUserNameAvailability ( const QString & )

    intretrieveUserNameAvailability(const QString &userName)

    Checks if given user name is available with the backend. Request status is returned via a signal. Once the signal is received, the client should call availableUserNames() to retrieve the list. If user name is available list is empty.

    Checks if given user name is available.

    userNameUser name to be checked if available.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    retriveOperatorProfile ( )


    This is asynchronous call. Request for profile fetch from the server. On successfull profile fetch from server requestComplete signal is invoked. This is asynchronous call. Request for profile fetch from the server. On successfull profile fetch from server requestComplete signal is invoked.

    Return Value
    async request id deprecated api

    securityQuestionList ( )

    QMap< QString, QString >securityQuestionList()

    Returns a map of security questions and their IDs. The security questions are localised.

    Returns the retrieved map of security questions and their IDs.

    Return Value
    A map of security questions and their IDs.

    signInAsGuardian ( const QString &, const QString & )

    intsignInAsGuardian(const QString &password,
    const QString &userId

    Asynchronously signs-in the guardian to the backend. Signal indicates success or failure. If the user is already signed-in, the backend calls are not made & the API returns with a success status.

    Asynchronously signs-in the user.

    passwordAccount password.
    userIdUser name for the account.
    Return Value
    A unique identifier for this request. -1, if NoA enabler encounters internal error, in this case enabler doesn't emit requestFinished signal.

    termsAcceptance ( )

    TermsAcceptanceData termsAcceptance()

    Returns the retrieved terms acceptance data.

    Returns the terms acceptance info .

    Return Value
    Returns the additional contact information of the the account.

    termsOfService ( const Terms & )

    QString termsOfService(const Terms &terms)

    Returns the retrieved terms of service in a url format.

    Returns the retrieved terms of service in a url format.

    termsTerms enum member
    Return Value
    A url of the terms of service as QString.

    updateAcceptedTCVersion ( )

    QString updateAcceptedTCVersion()

    Synchronous call to update accepted Terms and Conditions version for Ovi Store with Orange

    Synchronous call to update accepted Terms and Conditions version for Ovi Store with Orange

    Return Value
    acceptedTCVersion. deprecated apiacceptedTCVersion.