CryptoSpi::CHashFactory Class Reference

#include <cryptospi/cryptohashapi.h>

Link against: cryptospi.lib

class CryptoSpi::CHashFactory
Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidCreateAsyncHashL(CAsyncHash *&, TUid, TUid, const CKey *, const CCryptoParams *)
IMPORT_C voidCreateHashL(CHash *&, TUid, TUid, const CKey *, const CCryptoParams *)

Detailed Description

the Factory to create synchronous and asynchronous hash instances

Member Function Documentation

CreateAsyncHashL ( CAsyncHash *&, TUid, TUid, const CKey *, const CCryptoParams * )

IMPORT_C voidCreateAsyncHashL(CAsyncHash *&aAsyncHash,
const CKey *aKey,
const CCryptoParams *aAlgorithmParams


Create a CAsyncHash instance

aAsyncHashThe pointer to CAsyncHash
aAlgorithmUidThe specific hash algorithm e.g. MD2, SHA1, MD4
aOperationModeThe operation mode of the hash e.g. Hash mode, Hmac mode
aKeyThe key for Hmac mode, which should be NULL in Hash mode
aAlgorithmParamsThe parameters that are specific to a particular algorithm. This is for extendibility and will normally be null.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful; otherwise, a system wide error code.

CreateHashL ( CHash *&, TUid, TUid, const CKey *, const CCryptoParams * )

IMPORT_C voidCreateHashL(CHash *&aHash,
const CKey *aKey,
const CCryptoParams *aAlgorithmParams


Create a CHash instance

aHashThe pointer to CHash
aAlgorithmUidThe specific hash algorithm e.g. MD2, SHA1, MD4
aOperationModeThe operation mode of the hash e.g. Hash mode, Hmac mode
aKeyThe key for Hmac mode, which should be NULL in Hash mode
aAlgorithmParamsThe parameters that are specific to a particular algorithm. This is for extendibility and will normally be null.
Return Value
KErrNone if successful; otherwise, a system wide error code.