MPluginNotifier Class Reference

#include <mw/pluginadapterinterface.h>

class MPluginNotifier
Public Member Enumerations
enumTNotificationType { EEditCut, EEditCopy, EEditPaste, EEditDelete, ..., EBrowserHWAcceleration }
Public Member Functions
pure virtual TInt NotifyL(TNotificationType, TAny *)

Detailed Description

Contains notification ability for plug-ins. These methods are implemented in the plugin.

Series 60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 2 and Series 80 Platforms and the Nokia 7710 smartphone

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enum TNotificationType

Member Function Documentation

NotifyL ( TNotificationType, TAny * )

TInt NotifyL(TNotificationTypeaCallType,
TAny *aParam
)[pure virtual]
Notifies the plugin of an event.
Series 60 2nd Edition, Feature Pack 2 and Series 80 Platforms and the Nokia 7710 smartphone
aCallTypeThe event type that is passed to the plug-in
aParamThe parameter associated with the event
Return Value
Not used