TCourse Class Reference

#include <lbsposition.h>

Link against: lbs.lib

class TCourse

Detailed Description

This is used to hold information about the current speed and direction of the device. It is generally used in conjunction with TPositionCourseInfo when a positioning technology is able to supply these details as part of its positioning information.

Member Attribute Documentation


TReal32 iCourse[protected]

True Course, in degrees.


TReal32 iCourseAccuracy[protected]

Course accuracy, in degrees.


TReal32 iHeading[protected]

True Heading, in degrees.


TReal32 iHeadingAccuracy[protected]

Heading accuracy, in degrees.


TReal32 iSpeed[protected]

Speed, in metres per second.


TReal32 iSpeedAccuracy[protected]

Speed accuracy, in metres per second.


TReal32 iVerticalSpeed[protected]

Vertical Speed, in metres per second.


TReal32 iVerticalSpeedAccuracy[protected]

Vertical Speed accuracy, in metres per second.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TCourse ( )


Default constructor for TCourse. Sets the member data to default values (NaN).

Member Function Documentation

Course ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32Course()const

Retrieves the true course over ground.

Return Value
the true course over ground, in degrees.

CourseAccuracy ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32CourseAccuracy()const

Retrieves the accuracy of the course over ground.

Return Value
the accuracy of the course over ground, in degrees.

Heading ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32Heading()const

Retrieves the true heading of this course.

Return Value
the true heading, in degrees.

HeadingAccuracy ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32HeadingAccuracy()const

Retrieves the accuracy of the heading component of this course.

Return Value
the accuracy of the heading, in degrees.

SetCourse ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetCourse(TReal32aCourse)

Changes the true course over ground.

aCourseis the new true course, in degrees.

SetCourseAccuracy ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetCourseAccuracy(TReal32aCourseAccuracy)
Changes the accuracy of the course component of this course.
aCourseAccuracyis the new accuracy of the course, in degrees.
Panic Codes
"LbsClient Fault" 13 if aCourseAccuracy is negative.

SetHeading ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetHeading(TReal32aHeading)

Changes the true heading of this course.

aHeadingis the new true heading, in degrees.

SetHeadingAccuracy ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetHeadingAccuracy(TReal32aHeadingAccuracy)

Changes the accuracy of the heading component of this course.

aHeadingAccuracyis the new accuracy of the heading, in degrees.
Panic Codes
aHeadingAccuracyis negative.

SetSpeed ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetSpeed(TReal32aSpeed)

Changes the speed of this course.

aSpeedis the new speed, in metres per second.

SetSpeedAccuracy ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetSpeedAccuracy(TReal32aSpeedAccuracy)

Changes the accuracy of the speed component of this course.

aSpeedAccuracyis the new accuracy of the speed, in metres per second.
Panic Codes
aSpeedAccuracyis negative.

SetVerticalSpeed ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetVerticalSpeed(TReal32aVerticalSpeed)

Changes the vertical speed of this course.

aVerticalSpeedis the new vertical speed, in metres per second.

SetVerticalSpeedAccuracy ( TReal32 )

IMPORT_C voidSetVerticalSpeedAccuracy(TReal32aVerticalSpeedAccuracy)

Changes the accuracy of the speed component of this course.

aVerticalSpeedAccuracyis the new accuracy of the vertical speed, in metres per second.
Panic Codes
aVerticalSpeedAccuracyis negative.

Speed ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32Speed()const

Retrieves the speed of this course.

Return Value
the speed, in metres per second.

SpeedAccuracy ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32SpeedAccuracy()const

Retrieves the accuracy of the speed component of this course.

Return Value
the accuracy of the speed, in metres per second.

VerticalSpeed ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32VerticalSpeed()const

Retrieves the vertical speed of this course.

Return Value
the vertical speed, in metres per second.

VerticalSpeedAccuracy ( )

IMPORT_C TReal32VerticalSpeedAccuracy()const

Retrieves the accuracy of the vertical speed component of this course.

Return Value
the accuracy of the vertical speed, in metres per second.