The principal use of Skins API is using of AVKON Skins in applications and components that need to be made skin-aware. Skins API provides functionality to skin support in the AVKON UI controls. Skins can be used either application-wide or on per-component basis.
The skin-aware AVKON UI controls include:
and navigation panes)
Skins API supports common operations. It provides utility methods to initialize skins support, retrieve a pointer to the current skin instance or data context, and to perform other skin-related tasks.
API category | public |
API type | c++ |
API libraries | aknskins.lib, aknskinsrv.lib, aknswallpaperutils.lib |
Location | /sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/skins_api
Buildfiles | /sf/mw/uiresources/uiresources_pub/skins_api/group/bld.inf
Skins API provides services for UI controls and applications. These services consist of:
To make a UI control (for example, one defined by the application itself) skin-aware, it may be necessary to modify its drawing code. For example, if a control clears its background, it must be done using a method provided by AVKON Skins.
To make a UI control use resources provided by the skins (for example, bitmaps), the control must be modified so that it retrieves the resources using AVKON Skins interfaces and reacts properly to the skin change event.
Any container that occupies the full main pane (or pop-up window) needs to be modified to provide a skin control context. This is done to specify how layout backgrounds are used by its child controls.
AVKON Skins also provides means to cache skin item data objects and to control the lifetime of a cached item data object. It is up to the application (or UI control), whether it will or will not take advantage of these.
Each skin item represents a single resource (i.e., bitmap or application icon) that can be retrieved using the AVKON Skins interfaces. A skin item is identified by its identifier.
Item identifiers are common among all skin packages. They are mapped to concrete resources (skin item data objects) using skin item definitions. Item definitions for system-wide skin items are stored and managed by Skins Server. Most applications and components have, however, no reason to do so.
Typically, a UI component needs to obtain or construct an item data object by providing the corresponding item ID to the AVKON Skins subsystem. An item data object (or a resource instance extracted from it) is returned to the caller.
Skins API supports only S60 skins. If application needs skinning of its own bitmaps, it has to implement skinning.
Skins API is an SDK API and part of S60 release 3.x.
The main use cases of Skins API are:
Classes | Files |
No classes/epoc32/include/mw/AknsConstants.h
, /epoc32/include/mw/AknsItemID.inl
, /epoc32/include/mw/aknsconstants.hrh
Skins API classes with their inheritance and composition relationships.
Provides utility methods to perform skin-aware drawing operations, such
as background drawing for a UI control. Contains the following class: AknsDrawUtils
Supports AVKON Skins common operations. AknsUtils provides utility methods
to initialize skins support, retrieve a pointer to the current skin instance
or data context, and to perform other skin-related tasks. Contains the following
class: AknsUtils
A utility class for manipulating the Idle state wallpaper. Contains the
following class: AknsWallpaperUtils
In order to maintain binary compatibility and to avoid passing additional
parameters to child controls, skins support relies on context information
passed in the control hierarchy using the MObjectProvider
An overview of the MObjectProvider
functionality is provided
in Symbian Developer Library.
For example, when the Background()
method of AknsDrawUtils
called to draw the bitmapped layout background for the control, the object
provider chain is searched for a control context and the nearest one (i.e.,
the control context provided by the nearest parent) is used to specify the
bitmap and layout for drawing. This implies two requirements for controls
and applications:
may need in the future) information from a skin control context. Drawing a bitmapped layout background is an operation that needs such information.
The entity that provides the control context is usually the one that represents the layout element that defines the background to be used. For the status pane and control pane, the control context is provided by their implementation. For the main pane, the control context may be provided by the system classes (for instance, when an AVKON control covering the entire main pane is used), but in other cases should be provided by the application. The proper place for this is usually the container that occupies the main pane.
If no control context is found, the drawing operations provided by AVKON Skins function as the corresponding methods in Symbian OS UI Graphics Utilities. This ensures backwards compatibility with applications that are not aware of the skins support even if they use controls that take advantage of AVKON Skins.
Contains the following classes:
The skin instance takes care of updating cached item data objects when item definitions change and they are owned (and therefore deleted) by the skin instance. The caller is responsible for updating independent objects.
If the UI control can be drawn even when the skin instance singleton is
not available (for example, during an AppUi destroyer), it must handle situations
when skin support is not available and AknsUtils::SkinInstance
returns NULL
Every UI control should also be prepared for error conditions caused by skin
item retrieval and should handle leaves or NULL
return values
Contains the following classes:
Generally, if the entire layout area (i.e. status pane, control pane, main pane or pop-up window) is drawn by a single AVKON control, which already provides the necessary parameters, there is no need for significant application changes at all. Always enable skins in application level. This can be done either application-wide or on a component-by-component basis:
void CMyAppUi::ConstructL() { // Enables skins in all the optionally skin-providing controls in this application BaseConstructL( EAknEnableSkin ); // … }
It is also possible to enable skins for a skin providing control, but not all controls supports this method.
void CMyContainer::ConstructL() { // … // Enables skin for control iSomeOptSkinAwareCtrl->SetSkinEnabledL( ETrue ); // … }
The skins enabled S60 application framework constructs a singleton object called a skin instance for every application. It performs several fundamental operations related to skin support.
Firstly, the skin instance performs skin item lookup and data construction. This involves querying the item definition from Skins Server and using the item data factory to construct the item data object.
Secondly, the skin instance maintains the item data cache. If the caller requests a cached item data object, it is stored in the cache and any skin change triggers automatic reconstruction.
Thirdly, local item definitions are managed by the skin instance. An application may set local item definitions that are visible only within its own thread.
In this example, application supports skins, and a pointer to the application's skin instance is requested.
void CMyControl::ConstructL() { // … MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); // … }
provides methods to draw a background bitmap
for UI controls. If the application is non-skin-aware (or the control context
specifies that no bitmap can be used), these methods clear the area without
any bitmap..
The container may optionally provide a data context to ensure that skin items reserved by it and its child controls are released properly when the container goes out of scope.
To provide data context, the container must override the MopSupplyObject
and own an object implementing the data context interface.
class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl { //… /** * Pass skin information if needed. */ TTypeUid::Ptr MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId);
public: CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext* iBackground; //… };
Creates the control context with a defined background ID.
void CMyContainer::ConstructL(const TRect& aRect ) { //… TRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0); // Temporary rect is passed. Correct rect is set in SizeChanged. // Create the new context with image: KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, and parent absolute layout is not used. iBackground = CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext::NewL(KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain, rect, EFalse ); //… SetRect(aRect); ActivateL(); }
Modifies the container's Draw()
method to draw the background.
void CMyContainer::Draw( ) { //… // Drawing skin if ( iBackground ) { MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); if ( !AknsDrawUtils::Background( skin, iBackground, this, gc, rect) ) { // The background was not drawn…. } } //… }
Updates the position in container's SizeChanged()
void CMyContainer::SizeChanged() { //… if ( iBackground ) { iBackground->SetRect(Rect()); } //… }
must provide a pointer to the control
context, in this example the CAknsBasicBackgroundControlContext
TTypeUid::Ptr CMyContainer::MopSupplyObject(TTypeUid aId) { if (aId.iUid == MAknsControlContext::ETypeId && iBackground) { return MAknsControlContext::SupplyMopObject(aId, iBackground); }
return CCoeControl::MopSupplyObject(aId); }
Skin item data is constructed and cached if necessary, based on the item definition available from the local definition list or, if not found there, the shared memory chunk lookup provided by AVKON Skins Server. A pointer to the cached item data object is returned to the caller.
In this example scrollbar's top background skin element is accessed. The
returned CAknsItemData
pointer can be casted for example
to pointer CAknsMaskedBitmapItemData
in order to get access
to the bitmap objects themselves.
class CMyContainer : public CCoeControl { // … CAknsItemData* iItemData; // … }
Accesses the bitmap in skin item data.
// Gets skin item MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); iItemData = skin->CreateUncachedItemDataL( KAknsIIDQsnCpScrollBgTop );
if ( iItemData ) { // Accesses bitmap objectin skin item CAknsBitmapItemData* bitmapContex=(CAknsBitmapItemData*)iItemData; CFbsBitmap* bitmap = bitmapContex->Bitmap(); }
In the case of a bitmap item, the same can be performed with much less
code by using AknsUtils::CreateBitmapL
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); if( skin ) { iBmp = AknsUtils::CreateBitmapL( KAknsIIDQsnCpScrollBgTop ); }
Utility methods should be used to facilitate, for example, fetching bitmap type skin item data.
void CMyControl::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const { // … MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); CFbsBitmap* bitmap = AknsUtils::GetCachedBitmap( skin, KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain ); if( bitmap ) { // Draw the bitmap. } else { // Not found or an error occurred. Draw without the bitmap. } // … }
Skin items of the image type (such as bitmaps) can also be drawn directly
using the AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage
void CMyControl::Draw(const TRect& aRect) const { // … MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); AknsDrawUtils::DrawCachedImage( skin, gc, rect, KAknsIIDQsnBgAreaMain ); // … }
changes the actual
idle state wallpaper. If KNullDesC
is set as a wallpaper
file name, the method removes the current wallpaper.
_LIT( KWallpaperFile,"c:\\wallpaperimage.jpg" ); User::LeaveIfError( AknsWallpaperUtils::SetIdleWallpaper( KWallpaperFilename, NULL ) );
Creates an independent copy by the given item ID, and creates a CGulIcon
object. AknIconUtils::SetSize()
be called before drawing the bitmap.
CGulIcon* newIcon; CFbsBitmap *newIconBmp; CFbsBitmap *newIconMaskBmp;
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); AknsUtils::CreateIconL( skin, KMyBmpIID, newIconBmp, newIconMaskBmp, iconFile, iconIndex, iconMaskIndex ); newIcon = CGulIcon::NewL( newIconBmp, newIconMaskBmp);
A faster method to create a CGulIcon
CGulIcon* newIcon;
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); newIcon = AknsUtils:: CreateGulIconL( skin, KMyBmpIID, iconFile, iconIndex, iconMaskIndex );
Gets an application icon supporting scalable graphics. This example gets the icon of the calculator application.
CFbsBitmap* bitmap; CFbsBitmap* mask;
AknsUtils::CreateAppIconLC(skin, TUid::Uid(0x01FEDCBA), EAknsAppIconTypeContext, bitmap, mask);
// CreateAppIconLC puts both bitmap to stack CleanupStack::Pop(); // bitmap CleanupStack::Pop(); // mask
// Sets the size of the bitmap before displaying TSize size( 100, 100 ); AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, size );
This utility method creates an independent (in terms of instance ownership) copy of a masked bitmap by the given item ID and applies color-based skinning to it.
CFbsBitmap* bitmap; CFbsBitmap* mask;
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance();
AknsUtils::CreateColorIconL( skin, KMyBmpID, KAknsIIDQsnComponentColors, EAknsCIQsnComponentColorsCG5, bitmap, mask, KAvkonBitmapFile, EMbmAvkonQgn_note_warning, EMbmAvkonQgn_note_warning_mask, KRgbBlack );
// Set the size of the bitmap before displaying TSize size( 100, 100 ); AknIconUtils::SetSize( iBitmap, size );
This example gets the text color of the main area in the current skin context. Color groups and indexes can be found in the file AknsConstants.h.
MAknsSkinInstance* skin = AknsUtils::SkinInstance(); TRgb color;
AknsUtils::GetCachedColor( skin, color, KAknsIIDQsnTextColors, EAknsCIQsnTextColorsCG6 );
Skins API uses standard Symbian OS error reporting mechanism. Possible panic circumstances and panic codes are indicated in class or method descriptions.
There are also API methods that cannot be allowed to leave, e.g. utility methods used during drawing operations. These methods either fail silently or return an error value as specified in their documentation in C++ header file comments.
A skin instance object is allocated for every application thread. This causes minor heap consumption, estimated to be approximately 100 bytes per application thread. In addition, local item definitions and cached item data objects demand heap causing variable heap consumption depending on the size and number of objects allocated. The application should consider deleting bitmaps when no longer needed.
Skins API supports only S60 skins. If application needs skinning of its own bitmaps, it has to implement skinning. Local item definitions should not be used. Clients should not create instances of item data classes.
API | Application Programming Interface |
Data context | An entity that provides context sensitive control over data
allocation. E.g. a container can be a data context ensuring that skin item data objects used by its child controls are properly released when the container goes out of scope. |
Control context | An entity that provides context sensitive skin parameters. E.g. a container
may choose to specify different layout background bitmaps for its child controls. |
(Skin) item | A single resource (such as a bitmap) that can be retrieved through
AVKON Skins interfaces. |
(Skin) item data | An object that contains the item type as well as its resource instance,
e.g. a bitmap as a |
to construct the item data, e.g. the filename of an MBM file and the index of a particular bitmap inside that file.
(Skin) item ID A two-part identifier that identifies a skin item. Skin instance A singleton object (one per application thread) that is used to maintainlocal skin item definitions and a cache of skin item data objects.
Skin-aware Application, UI control or other entity that is capable of taking advantageof the skins support.