TCharF Class Reference

class TCharF : public TChar

Folds a specified character and provides functions to fold additional characters after construction of the object.

Folding converts the character to a form which can be used in tolerant comparisons without control over the operations performed. Tolerant comparisons are those which ignore character differences like case and accents.

Note that folding is locale-independent behaviour. It is also important to note that there can be no guarantee that folding is in any way culturally appropriate, and should not be used for matching characters in natural language.


Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructs this 'fold character' object and initialises it with the specified value.


TUint aCharThe initialisation value.

TCharF(const TChar &)

TCharF(const TChar &aChar)[inline]

Constructs this 'fold character' object and initialises it with the value of the TChar object aChar.


const TChar & aCharThe character object to use as the initialisation value.

Member Functions Documentation


TCharF &operator=(TUintaChar)[inline]

Assigns an unsigned integer value to the 'fold character' object.

A reference to this 'fold character' object.


TUint aCharThe value to assign.

operator=(const TChar &)

TCharF &operator=(const TChar &aChar)[inline]

Assigns the specified character object to this 'fold character' object.

A reference to this 'fold character' object.


const TChar & aCharThe character object to assign.