TEikButtonCoordinator Class Reference

class TEikButtonCoordinator

Button coordinator class

This class performs simple coordination functions on a set of buttons. It ensures that only one button of those sharing a coordinator is set at once.

eikcoctl S60 1.0

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidSetChosenButton(CEikButtonBase *)
Private Attributes
CEikButtonBase *iChosenButton

Constructor & Destructor Documentation




Member Functions Documentation

SetChosenButton(CEikButtonBase *)

IMPORT_C voidSetChosenButton(CEikButtonBase *aChosenButton)

Set the current chosen button to the passed-in object. Any previously selected button is set to the Clear state and re-drawn.


CEikButtonBase * aChosenButtonButton to set as the new chosen button.

Member Data Documentation

CEikButtonBase * iChosenButton

CEikButtonBase *iChosenButton[private]

Records the currently chosen button associated with this co-ordinator object.