CMMFCodec Class Reference

class CMMFCodec : public CBase

ECom plugin class for a codec that processes source data in a certain fourCC coding type and converts it to a destination buffer of another fourCC coding type. The function is synchronous as it is expected that the codec will be operating in its own thread of execution - usually via a CMMFDataPath or CMMFDataPathProxy

The codec can be instantiated in 3 different ways:

1. NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType).

This instantiate a codec that can convert the aSrcDatatype to a aDstDataType.

2. NewL(const TFourCC& aSrcDatatype, const TFourCC& aDstDataType, const TDesC& aPreferredSupplier).

This is similar to the above but is used where there may be multiple codecs that perform the same conversion - the idea is that a 3rd party deveoper may develop there own controller and codecs and can ensure the controller uses their codecs by setting the preferredSupplier to themselves.

3. NewL(TUid aUid).

This is used to explicitly instantiated a codec where the uid is known. This might be used by controlers that only support one codec type.

The processing of the data is handled by the codecs ProcessL() member. The intention is that the source buffer for conversion is converted to the appropriate coding type in the destination buffer. The buffers can be of any size. Since the buffers can be of any size there is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill the destination buffer or that the all the source buffer may be processed before the destination is full. Therefore the ProcessL needs to return a TCodecProcessResult returing the number of source bytes processed and the number of destination bytes processed along with a process result code defined thus:
  • EProcessComplete: the codec processed all the source data into the sink buffer

  • EProcessIncomplete: the codec filled sink buffer before all the source buffer was processed

  • EDstNotFilled: the codec processed the source buffer but the sink buffer was not filled

  • EEndOfData: the codec detected the end data - all source data in processed but sink may not be full

  • EProcessError: the codec process error condition

The ProcessL should start processing the source buffer from the iPosition data member of the source data and start filling the destination buffer from its iPosition.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~CMMFCodec()[inline, virtual]


Destroys any variables then informs ECom that this specific instance of the interface has been destroyed.

Member Functions Documentation

ConfigureL(TUid, const TDesC8 &)

const TDesC8 &aConfigData
)[inline, virtual]

Sets codec configuration.

This is a virtual function which does not need to be implemented by a codec, but may be if required. This function provides additional configuration information for the codec. The configuration is passed in as a descriptor. The default version leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TUid aConfigTypeThe UID of the configuration data.
const TDesC8 & aConfigDataThe configuration information.

ExtensionInterface(TUint, TAny *&)

TInt ExtensionInterface(TUintaExtensionId,
TAny *&aExtPtr

Gets a pointer to the extension specified by an identifier. The extension can be either an interface or function. If the extension is not supported NULL value is given and returns KErrExtensionNotSupported.

If successful returns KErrNone otherwise KErrExtensionNotSupported.


TUint aExtensionIdExtension identifier.
TAny *& aExtPtrPointer to get the extension.

NewL(const TFourCC &, const TFourCC &)

IMPORT_C CMMFCodec *NewL(const TFourCC &aSrcDatatype,
const TFourCC &aDstDataType


const TFourCC & aSrcDatatype
const TFourCC & aDstDataType

NewL(const TFourCC &, const TFourCC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CMMFCodec *NewL(const TFourCC &aSrcDatatype,
const TFourCC &aDstDataType,
const TDesC &aPreferredSupplier


const TFourCC & aSrcDatatype
const TFourCC & aDstDataType
const TDesC & aPreferredSupplier


IMPORT_C CMMFCodec *NewL(TUidaUid)[static]


TUid aUid

ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer &, CMMFBuffer &)

TCodecProcessResult ProcessL(const CMMFBuffer &aSource,
CMMFBuffer &aDestination
)[pure virtual]

Processes the data in the specified source buffer and writes the processed data to the specified destination buffer.

This function is synchronous, when the function returns the data has been processed. The source buffer is converted to the appropriate coding type in the destination buffer. The buffers can be of any size, therefore there is no guarantee that all the source buffer can be processed to fill the destination buffer or that all the source buffer may be processed before the destination is full. This function therefore returns the number of source, and destination, bytes processed along with a process result code indicating completion status.

The aSource and aSink buffers passed in are derived from CMMFBuffer. The buffer type (e.g. a CMMFDataBuffer) passed in should be supported by the codec otherwise this function should leave with KErrNotSupported. The position of the source buffer should be checked by calling the source buffer's Position() member which indicates the current source read position in bytes. The codec should start processing from the current source buffer read position. The position of the destination buffer should be checked by calling the destination buffer's Position() method which indicates the current destination write position in bytes. The codec should start writing to the destination buffer at the current destination buffer write position.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

enum TCodecProcessResult

The result of the processing.


const CMMFBuffer & aSourceThe source buffer containing data to encode or decode.
CMMFBuffer & aDestinationThe destination buffer to hold the data after encoding or decoding.


voidResetL()[inline, virtual]

Codec reset.

Used to flush out status information when a reposition occurs. This is a virtual function that is provided should the codec require resetting prior to use.

SelectByPreference(RImplInfoPtrArray &, const TDesC &)

voidSelectByPreference(RImplInfoPtrArray &aPlugInArray,
const TDesC &aPreferredSupplier


RImplInfoPtrArray & aPlugInArray
const TDesC & aPreferredSupplier

Member Data Documentation

TUid iDtor_ID_Key

TUid iDtor_ID_Key[private]