CFeatureDiscovery Class Reference

class CFeatureDiscovery : public CBase

The feature discovery API provides methods which are used to query which features are supported in the environment.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.




Member Functions Documentation



By default Symbian OS constructor is private.

FeaturesSupported(TFeatureSet &)

IMPORT_C TIntFeaturesSupported(TFeatureSet &aFeatures)const

Dynamic method to query the supported status of a set of features on the device. Before calling the method an instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class need to be created by using one of the factory methods, NewL() or NewLC(). The created instance must be deleted after use.

KErrNone if status query succeeded. Otherwise one of the Symbian OS error codes


TFeatureSet & aFeaturesis the wrapper class for feature array queried.

FeaturesSupportedL(TFeatureSet &)

IMPORT_C voidFeaturesSupportedL(TFeatureSet &aFeatures)[static]

Static method to query the supported status of a set of features on the device.


Any One of the Symbian OS system-wide error codes


TFeatureSet & aFeaturesis the wrapper class for feature array queried.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsFeatureSupportedL(TIntaFeature)[static]

Static method to query the supported status of a feature on the device.

Use IsFeatureSupportedL(TUid aFeature) instead.

a TBool indicating whether the feature is supported (ETrue) or not (EFalse). If the feature does not exist, the return value is EFalse.


Any One of the Symbian OS system-wide error codes


TInt aFeatureis the feature ID of the feature that is queried.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsFeatureSupportedL(TUidaFeature)[static]

Static method to query the supported status of a feature on the device.

a TBool indicating whether the feature is supported (ETrue) or not (EFalse). If the feature does not exist, the return value is EFalse.


Any One of the Symbian OS system-wide error codes


TUid aFeatureis the feature UID of the feature that is queried.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsSupported(TIntaFeature)const

Dynamic method to query the supported status of a feature on the device. Before calling the method an instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class must be created by using one of the factory methods, NewL() or NewLC(). The created instance must be deleted after use.

Use IsSupported(TUid aFeature) instead.

a TBool indicating whether the feature is supported (ETrue) or not (EFalse). If the feature does not exist, the return value is EFalse.


TInt aFeatureis the feature ID of the feature that is queried.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsSupported(TUidaFeature)const

Dynamic method to query the supported status of a feature on the device.

Before calling the method an instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class must be created by using one of the factory methods, NewL() or NewLC(). The created instance must be deleted after use.

a TBool indicating whether the feature is supported (ETrue) or not (EFalse). If the feature does not exist, the return value is EFalse.


TUid aFeatureis the feature UID of the feature that is queried.


IMPORT_C CFeatureDiscovery *NewL()[static]

This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class.

a pointer to a new instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class.


Any One of the Symbian OS system-wide error codes


IMPORT_C CFeatureDiscovery *NewLC()[static]

This is a two-phase constructor method that is used to create a new instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class. This method leaves the instance of the object on the cleanup stack.

a pointer to a new instance of the CFeatureDiscovery class.


Any One of the Symbian OS system-wide error codes

Member Data Documentation

CFeatureDiscoveryImpl * iImpl

CFeatureDiscoveryImpl *iImpl[private]