CBaNamedPlugins::MFallBackName Class Reference

class CBaNamedPlugins::MFallBackName

Interface class with a single pure virtual function that generates a fallback name for plug-ins.

The FallBackNameL() function is called during construction of the CBaNamedPlugins object for any plug-ins for which no resource file could be found with the correct language extension.

Use of this interface is optional. To use it, pass an instance of a class which implements the interface to CParameters::SetFallBackName(). If this is not done, then by default the fallback name used for plug-ins is simply the filename of the resource file without the drive, directory path or extension.

Public Member Functions
HBufC *FallBackNameL(const TDesC &)
Private Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidMFallBackName_Reserved_1()
IMPORT_C voidMFallBackName_Reserved_2()

Member Functions Documentation

FallBackNameL(const TDesC &)

HBufC *FallBackNameL(const TDesC &aFullResourceFileName)const [pure virtual]

Generates and returns a fallback name for plug-ins for which no resource is available. The fallback name can be generated using the filename of the plug-in's resource file, which is passed as an argument.

The fallback name for a plug-in.


const TDesC & aFullResourceFileNameThe full filename of the resource file. This is the same as TResourceFile::iFullFileName.


IMPORT_C voidMFallBackName_Reserved_1()[private, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidMFallBackName_Reserved_2()[private, virtual]