MEikCcpuEditor Class Reference

class MEikCcpuEditor

Interface for cut, copy, paste and undo functionality.

Member Functions Documentation


TBool CcpuCanCopy()const [pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Tests whether the selected text can be copied.

ETrue if it is possible to copy the selected text.


TBool CcpuCanCut()const [pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Tests whether the selected text can be cut.

ETrue if it is possible to cut the selected text.


TBool CcpuCanPaste()const [pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Tests whether text can be pasted from the clipboard.

ETrue if it is possible to paste the clipboard text.


TBool CcpuCanUndo()const [pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Tests is it possible to undo previous operation.

ETrue if it is possible to undo previous operation.


voidCcpuCopyL()[pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Copies selected text.


voidCcpuCutL()[pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Cuts selected text.


TBool CcpuIsFocused()const [pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Tests whether the editor is focused.

If editor is focused, ETrue is returned.


voidCcpuPasteL()[pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Pastes text from the clipboard to the editor.


voidCcpuUndoL()[pure virtual]

Derived classes must provide the implementation for following:

Undoes the most recent text operation when the editor supports this feature and when the undo store is not empty