CPrinterPort Class Reference

class CPrinterPort : public CBase

Printer port interface.

This interface is used as the base class for the various types of printer port. New printer port classes should be derived from this class.After allocation and construction, a pointer to a concrete printer port should be passed to CPrintSetup::StartPrintL(). CPrintSetup::StartPrintL()


Inherits from

Member Functions Documentation


voidCancel()[pure virtual]

Cancels an outstanding WriteRequest() operation.

WriteRequest(const TDesC8 &, TRequestStatus &)

voidWriteRequest(const TDesC8 &aBuf,
TRequestStatus &aRequestStatus
)[pure virtual]

Writes data asynchronously to the printer port.


const TDesC8 & aBufData to be written to the port
TRequestStatus & aRequestStatusA reference to the request status object. If the request is cancelled, this should be set to KErrCancel; if the request completes normally, this should be set to KErrNone.