MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor Class Reference

class MMMFAudioRecordDeviceCustomCommandImplementor

Mixin class to be derived from controller plugins that could support the audio record device custom commands.

Member Functions Documentation

MardGetBalanceL(TInt &)

voidMardGetBalanceL(TInt &aBalance)[pure virtual]

Gets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. The request will be completed with the leave code.



TInt & aBalanceThe current balance, filled in by the controller.

MardGetGainL(TInt &)

voidMardGetGainL(TInt &aGain)[pure virtual]

Gets the current recording gain.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. The request will be completed with the leave code.



TInt & aGainThe gain, to be filled in by the controller.

MardGetMaxGainL(TInt &)

voidMardGetMaxGainL(TInt &aMaxGain)[pure virtual]

Gets the maximum gain supported by the sound device.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. The request will be completed with the leave code.



TInt & aMaxGainThe maximum gain, to be filled in by the controller plugin.


voidMardSetBalanceL(TIntaBalance)[pure virtual]

Sets the balance between the left and right stereo microphone channels.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. The request will be completed with the leave code.



TInt aBalanceUse a value between KMMFBalanceMaxLeft and KMMFBalanceMaxRight. Centre balance can be restored by using KMMFBalanceCenter.


voidMardSetGainL(TIntaGain)[pure virtual]

Sets the gain of the sound device.

This function can leave with one of the system-wide error codes. The request will be completed with the leave code.



TInt aGainThe new gain.