CEikMfneField Class Reference

class CEikMfneField : public CBase

Abstract base class for fields within a multi-field numeric editor.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Protected default constructor.

Sets the minimum width of the field to zero pixels.

Member Functions Documentation

AdditionalWidthForHighlights(const CFont &)

TInt AdditionalWidthForHighlights(const CFont &aFont)const [protected]


const CFont & aFont

DistanceFromStartOfFieldToEndOfTextInPixels(const CFont &)

TInt DistanceFromStartOfFieldToEndOfTextInPixels(const CFont &aFont)const


const CFont & aFont

Draw(CWindowGc &, const CFont &, const TPoint &)

voidDraw(CWindowGc &aGc,
const CFont &aFont,
const TPoint &aTopLeft


CWindowGc & aGc
const CFont & aFont
const TPoint & aTopLeft


const TDesC &FieldText()const

HandleDeHighlight(const CFont &, CEikonEnv &, TBool &, TBool &)

IMPORT_C voidHandleDeHighlight(const CFont &aFont,
CEikonEnv &aEikonEnv,
TBool &aDataAltered,
TBool &aError

An implementation of this function should handle de-highlighting the field.

May only be called if IsEditable() returns ETrue.

This implementation panics in debug builds and is empty in release builds.


const CFont & aFontThe control's font.
CEikonEnv & aEikonEnvThe control's environment.
TBool & aDataAlteredOn return, set to ETrue if the function caused the field's contents to change, otherwise unchanged.
TBool & aErrorOn return, changed to ETrue if an error occurred e.g. the user entered an invalid value, otherwise unchanged.

HandleKey(const CFont &, const TKeyEvent &, TBool, TBool &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidHandleKey(const CFont &aFont,
const TKeyEvent &aKeyEvent,
TBool &aDataAltered,
TInt &aHighlightIncrement

An implementation of this function should handle a key event.

May only be called if IsEditable() returns ETrue. This implementation panics in debug builds and is empty in release builds.


const CFont & aFontThe control's font.
const TKeyEvent & aKeyEventThe key event passed on from the multi-field numeric editor.
TBool aInterpretLeftAndRightAsEarEventsNot used.
TBool & aDataAlteredOn return, indicates whether or not the field contents changed. If EFalse, left and right arrow key presses indicate a movement to the preceding of following field, if ETrue they are ignored.
TInt & aHighlightIncrementOn return: -1 indicates the previous field is highlighted,0 indicates the highlight is unchanged and 1 indicates the following field is highlighted.

HandleLeftOrRightArrow(TChar, TBool &, TInt &)

IMPORT_C voidHandleLeftOrRightArrow(TCharaKey,
TBool &aDataAltered,
TInt &aHighlightIncrement

Handles a left or right arrow key press.


3 In debug builds, if aKey is neither a left nor a right arrow key.


TChar aKeyLeft or right arrow key: either EKeyLeftArrow or EKeyRightArrow.
TBool & aDataAlteredOn return, ETrue if data is altered as a result of this function.
TInt & aHighlightIncrementOn return, the direction to move the cursor: either -1 if aKey is a left arrow key, or 1 if aKey is a right arrow key.


IMPORT_C THighlightTypeHighlightType()const [virtual]

An implementation of this function should get the field's highlight type.

May only be called if IsEditable() returns ETrue.

This implementation panics in debug builds and returns a dummy value in release builds.



TCoeInputCapabilities InputCapabilities()const [pure virtual]

An implementation of this pure virtual function should return the field's input capabilities.

The field's input capabilities.


IMPORT_C TBoolIsEditable()const [virtual]

Derived classes' implementation of function should return whether the field is editable.

This implementation returns EFalse.



IMPORT_C TBoolIsValid()const [virtual]

Derived classes' implementation of function should return whether the field is valid

This implementation returns ETrue.


MaximumWidthInPixels(const CFont &, TBool)

TInt MaximumWidthInPixels(const CFont &aFont,
)[pure virtual]

An implementation of this pure virtual function should get the field's maximum width in pixels.

The field's maximum width in pixels.


const CFont & aFontThe font.
TBool aShrinkToMinimumSizeETrue to shrink the width to the minimum required.


const TDesC &Text()const [private, pure virtual]

WidthInPixels(const CFont &)

TInt WidthInPixels(const CFont &aFont)const


const CFont & aFont

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum THighlightType

The type of highlight.



Inverse video.


The cursor is visible in the field so that highlighting is not used.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iMinimumWidthInPixels

TInt iMinimumWidthInPixels[protected]

The field's minimum width in pixels.