MAnimWindowFunctions Class Reference

class MAnimWindowFunctions

Window utility functions interface.

The member functions define the interface for querying and manipulating the window in which the animation takes place.

You do not have to create an object of this type. The class is implemented by the window server, and provides these utility functions to all CWindowAnim and CFreeTimerWindowAnim derived classes via the iWindowFunctions pointer.

It is not intended for user derivation.

Public Member Functions
voidInvalidate(const TRect &)
TBool IsHidden()
voidParameters(TWindowInfo &)
voidSetRect(const TRect &)
voidVisibleRegion(TRegion &)
TSize WindowSize()
Private Member Functions

Member Functions Documentation


voidActivateGc()[pure virtual]

Activates the graphics context.

This function should be called to enable drawing in the CAnim-derived classes' Command(), CommandReplyL(), Animate(), or FocusChanged() functions.

Note: this function is called automatically by the animation DLL framework in the Redraw() function.

Invalidate(const TRect &)

voidInvalidate(const TRect &aRect)[pure virtual]

Forces a redraw of a rectangular part of the window.

The function causes a redraw message on the part of the window specified, which provides a non-immediate way to do drawing.

It can be used to redraw the whole of the window, not just the part used by the animation.


const TRect & aRectThe rectangle to be redrawn. These co-ordinates are relative to the origin of the window.


TBool IsHidden()[pure virtual]

Tests whether to draw the animation.

If the window is completely hidden, there is normally no need to draw the animation. However in some conditions the animation should be drawn even if it is obscured. The window server is aware of these cases, and returns ETrue if it is not safe to draw the animation.

True if the window is completely hidden and there is no requirement to continue drawing the animation, otherwise false.

Parameters(TWindowInfo &)

voidParameters(TWindowInfo &aData)[pure virtual]

Gets window information.


TWindowInfo & aDataThe window information.


voidReserved()const [private, virtual]


voidReserved1()const [private, virtual]


voidReserved2()const [private, virtual]


voidReserved3()const [private, virtual]

SetRect(const TRect &)

voidSetRect(const TRect &aRect)[pure virtual]

Sets the rectangle that this animation will draw to.

This function must be called as part of the initialisation/construction of the CAnim-derived object, i.e. in CAnim::ConstructL(). This is so that the window server knows which area the animation is operating in. Anything that is drawn by the animation outside this rectangle may not be redrawn correctly as the window server uses this rectangle to decide when the animation should be redrawn.


const TRect & aRectThe rectangle to be drawn to.


voidSetVisible(TBoolaState)[pure virtual]

Sets the visibility of the window the animation is drawing to.

This does the same as RWindowBase::SetVisible().


TBool aStateTrue for visible, false otherwise.

VisibleRegion(TRegion &)

voidVisibleRegion(TRegion &aRegion)[pure virtual]

Gets the visible region.

This region is the area of the visible window which is currently unshadowed. If there is not enough memory to calculate this region then aRegion's error flag is set.


TRegion & aRegionThe visible region.


TSize WindowSize()const [pure virtual]

Gets the window size.

The window size, in pixels.