TImageConvOperation Class Reference

class TImageConvOperation

Image Conversion Library extensions. When applied together there is an implicit order for operations: 1. Crop or clip. 2. Scale 3. Rotate / mirror over axis. Operation extension for Image Conversion Library. Allows rotation and mirror over axis.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAddOperationL(TOperation)
IMPORT_C TUintCapabilities()
IMPORT_C voidClearOperationStack()
Private Member Functions
voidSetExtension(MImageConvExtension *)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTOperation { ERotation90DegreesClockwise = 0x01, ERotation180DegreesClockwise = 0x02, ERotation270DegreesClockwise = 0x04, EMirrorHorizontalAxis = 0x08, EMirrorVerticalAxis = 0x10 }
Private Attributes
MImageConvOperation *iExtension
TInt iReserved

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidAddOperationL(TOperationaOperation)

Set up an operation be applied to the source. May be called more than once to set up a stack of operations, but it is not possible to add more than one operation in a single call. The operations are applied to the image in the same order as they are added.


if more than one TOperation enum is passed for each individual call


TOperation aOperationThe operation to add to the current stack of operations.


IMPORT_C TUintCapabilities()const

Get the codec plugin's capabilities.

Bitmask combination of TOperation. Bit is set if decoder plugin supports the operation.


IMPORT_C voidClearOperationStack()

Remove all operations previously set.

SetExtension(MImageConvExtension *)

voidSetExtension(MImageConvExtension *aExtension)[private]


MImageConvExtension * aExtension

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TOperation

Operations or transforms on an image.


ERotation90DegreesClockwise = 0x01

Rotate source 90 degrees clockwise.

ERotation180DegreesClockwise = 0x02

Rotate source 180 degrees clockwise.

ERotation270DegreesClockwise = 0x04

Rotate source 270 degrees clockwise.

EMirrorHorizontalAxis = 0x08

Mirror source about the horizontal axis.

EMirrorVerticalAxis = 0x10

Mirror source about the vertical axis.

Member Data Documentation

MImageConvOperation * iExtension

MImageConvOperation *iExtension[private]

TInt iReserved

TInt iReserved[private]