CMMFFormatEncode Class Reference

class CMMFFormatEncode : public CBase

Base class from which sink formats can be derived from.

The intended usage is for controllers that can support more than one type of format. The class is an MDataSink as far as the data path is concerned but is an MDataSource to the clip that is the sink of the actual data. All CMMFFormatEncode plugin DLLs must include interface_uid = KMmfUidPluginInterfaceFormatEncode in their .rss files.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
voidAddMetaDataEntryL(const CMMFMetaDataEntry &)
TUint BitRate()
voidBufferEmptiedL(CMMFBuffer *)
voidBufferFilledL(CMMFBuffer *)
TInt64 BytesPerSecond()
TBool CanCreateSinkBuffer()
TBool CanCreateSourceBuffer()
CMMFBuffer *CreateSinkBufferL(TMediaId, TBool &)
CMMFBuffer *CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId, TBool &)
voidCropL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds, TBool)
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Duration(TMediaId)
voidEmptyBufferL(CMMFBuffer *, MDataSource *, TMediaId)
voidFillBufferL(CMMFBuffer *, MDataSink *, TMediaId)
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds FrameTimeInterval(TMediaId)
TUint GetDefaultSampleRate()
voidGetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TInt &)
voidGetSupportedBitRatesL(RArray< TUint > &)
voidGetSupportedDataTypesL(TMediaId, RArray< TFourCC > &)
voidGetSupportedNumChannelsL(RArray< TUint > &)
voidGetSupportedSampleRatesL(RArray< TUint > &)
TUid ImplementationUid()
TInt MaximumClipSize()
CMMFMetaDataEntry *MetaDataEntryL(TInt)
IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(TUid, MDataSink *)
IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(const TDesC &, MDataSink *, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(const TDesC8 &, MDataSink *, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(MDataSink *, const TDesC &)
TUint NumChannels()
TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionL()
TInt RemoveMetaDataEntry(TInt)
voidReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt, const CMMFMetaDataEntry &)
TUint SampleRate()
TInt SetBitRate(TUint)
TInt SetNumChannels(TUint)
voidSetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)
TInt SetSampleRate(TUint)
TFourCC SinkDataTypeCode(TMediaId)
TFourCC SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaId)
Protected Member Functions
voidConstructSinkL(const TDesC8 &)
voidConstructSourceL(const TDesC8 &)
CMMFFormatEncode *CreateFormatL(TUid, MDataSink *)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Protected Attributes
MDataSink *iClip
MDataSource *iDataPath
Private Attributes
TUid iDtor_ID_Key
TUid iImplementationUid

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


CMMFFormatEncode()[protected, inline]

Default constructor


~CMMFFormatEncode()[inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

AddMetaDataEntryL(const CMMFMetaDataEntry &)

voidAddMetaDataEntryL(const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry)[inline, virtual]

Adds the specified meta data entry to the clip.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


const CMMFMetaDataEntry & aNewEntryThe meta data entry to add.


TUint BitRate()[inline, virtual]

Returns the bit rate.

The default returns 0.

The bit rate.

BufferEmptiedL(CMMFBuffer *)

voidBufferEmptiedL(CMMFBuffer *aBuffer)[inline, virtual]

Called by the clip when it has added the data to the file.


CMMFBuffer * aBufferThe emptied buffer.

BufferFilledL(CMMFBuffer *)

voidBufferFilledL(CMMFBuffer *aBuffer)[inline, virtual]

Called by the CMMFDataPath's MDataSource when it has filled the buffer.


CMMFBuffer * aBufferThe buffer that has been filled.


TInt64 BytesPerSecond()[inline, virtual]

Returns the bytes per second.

The default returns 0.

The bytes per second.


TBool CanCreateSinkBuffer()[inline, virtual]

Tests whether a sink buffer can be created.

Format would normally pass its own buffer onto the CMMFClip, so this may not be required. The default returns ETrue.

A boolean indicating if the buffer can be created. ETrue if buffer can be created, EFalse otherwise.


TBool CanCreateSourceBuffer()[inline, virtual]

Tests whether a source buffer can be created.

The default implementation returns EFalse.

A boolean indicating if the buffer can be created. ETrue if buffer can be created, EFalse otherwise.

ConstructSinkL(const TDesC8 &)

voidConstructSinkL(const TDesC8 &)[protected, inline, virtual]


const TDesC8 &

ConstructSourceL(const TDesC8 &)

voidConstructSourceL(const TDesC8 &)[protected, inline, virtual]


const TDesC8 &

CreateFormatL(TUid, MDataSink *)

CMMFFormatEncode *CreateFormatL(TUidaImplementationUid,
MDataSink *aSink
)[protected, static]


TUid aImplementationUid
MDataSink * aSink

CreateSinkBufferL(TMediaId, TBool &)

CMMFBuffer *CreateSinkBufferL(TMediaIdaMediaId,
TBool &aReference
)[pure virtual]

Creates a sink buffer for the specified media ID.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

A pointer to the CMMFBuffer sink buffer.


TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type ID.
TBool & aReferenceIf ETrue then MDataSink owns the buffer. If EFalse, then the caller owns the buffer.

CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaId, TBool &)

CMMFBuffer *CreateSourceBufferL(TMediaIdaMediaId,
TBool &aReference
)[inline, virtual]

Creates a source buffer. The default returns NULL.

Source buffer.


TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type id.
TBool & aReferenceIf ETrue the MDataSource owns the buffer. If EFalse, then the caller owns the buffer.

CropL(TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds, TBool)

TBoolaToEnd = ETrue
)[inline, virtual]

This function is used to truncate the sink ie. a CMMFClip,

If aToEnd = ETrue the sink is cropped from the aPosition to the end of the clip. If aToEnd = EFalse then the sink is cropped from the start of the clip to aPosition.

This function would be called by the CMMFController. The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds aPositionThe position within the clip.
TBool aToEnd = ETrueFlag to determine which part of the clip to delete.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds Duration(TMediaIdaMediaType)const [pure virtual]

Returns the duration of the sink clip for the specified media type.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

The duration of the sink clip.


TMediaId aMediaTypeThe media type ID.

EmptyBufferL(CMMFBuffer *, MDataSource *, TMediaId)

voidEmptyBufferL(CMMFBuffer *aBuffer,
MDataSource *aSupplier,
)[pure virtual]

Adds a buffer to a clip.

Called by CMMFDataPath. (from MDataSink - CMMFFormatEncode is a MDataSink to a CMMFDataPath)

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.


CMMFBuffer * aBufferThe buffer to which the clip is added.
MDataSource * aSupplierThe data source.
TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type ID.

FillBufferL(CMMFBuffer *, MDataSink *, TMediaId)

voidFillBufferL(CMMFBuffer *aBuffer,
MDataSink *aConsumer,
)[inline, virtual]

Request from CMMFDataPath to fill the specified buffer.


CMMFBuffer * aBufferThe buffer to fill.
MDataSink * aConsumerThe consumer.
TMediaId aMediaIdThe media ID.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds FrameTimeInterval(TMediaIdaMediaType)const [pure virtual]

Returns the time interval for one frame for the specified media type.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

The frame time interval in microseconds.


TMediaId aMediaTypeThe media type ID.


TUint GetDefaultSampleRate()[inline, virtual]

Returns the default sample rate.

The default returns 0.

The default sample rate.

GetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TInt &)

voidGetNumberOfMetaDataEntriesL(TInt &aNumberOfEntries)[inline, virtual]

Gets the number of meta data entries.

The encode format is capable of reading and writing meta data to the clip.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TInt & aNumberOfEntriesOn return, contains the number of meta data entries.

GetSupportedBitRatesL(RArray< TUint > &)

voidGetSupportedBitRatesL(RArray< TUint > &aBitRates)[inline, virtual]

Gets the supported bit rates.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


RArray< TUint > & aBitRatesA reference to an array of supported bit rates.

GetSupportedDataTypesL(TMediaId, RArray< TFourCC > &)

RArray< TFourCC > &aDataTypes
)[inline, virtual]

Gets the supported data types for the given media type ID.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type id.
RArray< TFourCC > & aDataTypesA reference to an array of supported data types.

GetSupportedNumChannelsL(RArray< TUint > &)

voidGetSupportedNumChannelsL(RArray< TUint > &aNumChannels)[inline, virtual]

Gets the supported number of channels.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


RArray< TUint > & aNumChannelsA reference to an array of supported number of channels.

GetSupportedSampleRatesL(RArray< TUint > &)

voidGetSupportedSampleRatesL(RArray< TUint > &aSampleRates)[inline, virtual]

Gets the supported sample rates.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


RArray< TUint > & aSampleRatesA reference to an array of supported sample rates.


TUid ImplementationUid()const [inline]

Gets the ECom plugin UID of this format.

The plugin UID.


TInt MaximumClipSize()[inline, virtual]

Returns the maximum clip size.

The default returns 0.

The maximum clip size.


CMMFMetaDataEntry *MetaDataEntryL(TIntaIndex)[inline, virtual]

Returns the specified meta data entry.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.

The meta data entry.


TInt aIndexThe zero based meta data entry index to retrieve.

NewL(TUid, MDataSink *)

IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(TUidaUid,
MDataSink *aSink


TUid aUid
MDataSink * aSink

NewL(const TDesC &, MDataSink *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(const TDesC &aFileName,
MDataSink *aSink,
const TDesC &aPreferredSupplier


const TDesC & aFileName
MDataSink * aSink
const TDesC & aPreferredSupplier

NewL(const TDesC8 &, MDataSink *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(const TDesC8 &aSourceHeader,
MDataSink *aSink,
const TDesC &aPreferredSupplier


const TDesC8 & aSourceHeader
MDataSink * aSink
const TDesC & aPreferredSupplier

NewL(MDataSink *, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CMMFFormatEncode *NewL(MDataSink *aSink,
const TDesC &aPreferredSupplier


MDataSink * aSink
const TDesC & aPreferredSupplier


TUint NumChannels()[inline, virtual]

Returns the number of channels.

The default implementation returns 0.

The number of channels.


TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds PositionL()[inline, virtual]

Supplies the current position.

Subsequent data reads will commence from this position.

The current position in microseconds.


TInt RemoveMetaDataEntry(TIntaIndex)[inline, virtual]

Removes the specified meta data entry.

The default implementation returns KErrNotSupported.

An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TInt aIndexThe zero based meta data entry index to remove.

ReplaceMetaDataEntryL(TInt, const CMMFMetaDataEntry &)

const CMMFMetaDataEntry &aNewEntry
)[inline, virtual]

Replaces the specified meta data entry with the entry supplied in aNewEntry.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TInt aIndexThe zero based meta data entry index to replace.
const CMMFMetaDataEntry & aNewEntryThe meta data entry to replace.


TUint SampleRate()[inline, virtual]

Returns the sample rate.

The default implementation returns 0.

The sample rate.


TInt SetBitRate(TUintaBitRate)[inline, virtual]

Sets the bit rate.

The default implementation returns KErrNotSupported.

An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TUint aBitRateThe bit rate.


voidSetMaximumClipSizeL(TIntaBytes)[inline, virtual]

Sets the maximum clip size.

The default implementation leaves with KErrNotSupported.


TInt aBytesThe maximum clip size.


TInt SetNumChannels(TUintaChannels)[inline, virtual]

Sets the number of channels.

The default implementation returns KErrNotSupported.

An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TUint aChannelsThe number of channels.

SetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &)

voidSetPositionL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds &aPosition)[inline, virtual]

Used to set the format's position.

Subsequent data reads should ignore the FrameNumber in the CMMFBuffer and use this setting to determine what data to provide.

The actual position the format sets itself may vary to this setting to ensure that it is aligned to the sample boundaries ensuring consistent data output.

If not supported, positional information should be extracted from the FrameNumber in CMMFBuffer


const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds & aPositionThe position the format should use.


TInt SetSampleRate(TUintaSampleRate)[inline, virtual]

Sets the sample rate.

The default implementation returns KErrNotSupported.

An error code indicating if the function call was successful. KErrNone on success, otherwise another of the system-wide error codes.


TUint aSampleRateThe sample rate.


TFourCC SinkDataTypeCode(TMediaIdaMediaId)[pure virtual]

Returns the sink data type code for the specified media type ID.

This would be the same as the source data type four CC although the clip is not going to need this info.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

The sink data type code.


TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type ID.


TFourCC SourceDataTypeCode(TMediaIdaMediaId)[inline, virtual]

Returns the source data type code for the specified media type ID.

This is a virtual function that each derived class must implement.

The source data type code.


TMediaId aMediaIdThe media type id.

Member Data Documentation

MDataSink * iClip

MDataSink *iClip[protected]

The clip is the sink for the encode format.

MDataSource * iDataPath

MDataSource *iDataPath[protected]

The Data path is the source for the encode format.

TUid iDtor_ID_Key

TUid iDtor_ID_Key[private]

TUid iImplementationUid

TUid iImplementationUid[private]