Creating FM Transmitter Utility

This document describes how to create Transmitter Utility and its auxiliary utilities.


This document shows you how to create FM Transmitter Utility and its Scanner Utility and RDS Utility.

Required Background

The FM Transmitter Library Overview provides an overview of the FM Transmitter library.


The Transmitter Utility provides abstract APIs to transmit radio broadcast. It is used to enable and disable transmission, scan for frequencies that are in use, set and get RDS metadata.

Using Transmitter Utility

The following tasks will be covered in this tutorial:

  • Initialising Transmitter Utility

  • Creating Scanner and RDS utilities

Initialising Transmitter Utility

The high level steps to initialise Transmitter Utility are shown here:

  1. Create an instance of CMMTransmitterUtility using the CMMTransmitterUtility::NewL method.

    It returns a pointer to the CMMTransmitterUtility object.

  2. Clients must provide an implementation of MTransmitterUtilityObserver interface to receive notifications.

  3. Specify the index value of transmitter for use between the ranges 0 and CMMTransmitterUtility::TransmittersAvailableL() -1 inclusive.

  4. Use CMMTransmitterUtility::GetCapabilities() method to check if the transmitter created with specified index has the required capabilities.

  5. Determine the number of transmitters available using CMMTransmitterUtility::TransmittersAvailableL method.


If multiple clients create CMMTransmitterUtility object with the same index, client with high priority gains access to the Transmitter Utility. It is recommended not to create multiple clients with the same index.

Creating Scanner and RDS Utilities

The high level steps to create Scanner and RDS utilities are shown here: