Configuring RDS Data

This document describes the FM transmitter support for RDS data.


This document shows you how to set and get RDS data, radio text data and radio text plus data.

Required Background

The FM Transmitter Library Overview provides an overview of the FM Transmitter library.


Radio Data System (RDS) is the European standard for broadcasting data about a radio station within specific FM frequency band. RDS data provides information such as, station name and type of programme being broadcast. The North American standard for broadcasting data is called RBDS.

CMMRdsTransmitterUtility class provides methods to access the RDS capabilities of the transmitter device. It supports both RDS and RBDS standards.

Using RDS Utility

The following tasks will be covered in this tutorial:

  • Setting RDS data

  • Getting RDS data and radio text data

Basic Procedure

The high level steps to set RDS data are shown here:

  1. Create an instance of CMMRdsTransmitterUtility object using the CMMTransmitterUtility::CreateRdsTransmitterUtilityL method.

    See also Creating Scanner and RDS Utilities.

  2. Get the RDS capabilities of the device using the CMMRdsTransmitterUtility::GetCapabilitiesL method.

  3. The client application uses CMMRdsTransmitterUtility::SetRdsDataL method to send a request to set the transmitted RDS data.

    Set appropriate flags in the parameter whichData to set the data required by client.

  4. This call sets the data supported by transmitter and the parameter success returns the RDS data set successfully.

  5. If the call fails, the client is notified with appropriate error messages.

Basic Procedure

The high level steps to get RDS data are shown here:

  1. Get the current status of the transmitted RDS data using the CMMRdsTransmitterUtility::GetRdsDataL method.

    This call returns the RDS data sent by the transmitter and a subset of valid RDS data.

  2. Set the transmitted radio text data using the CMMRdsTransmitterUtility::SetRadiotextL method.

  3. Set the transmitted radio text plus data using the CMMRdsTransmitterUtility::SetRadiotextPlusL method.

    • Use SetRadiotextPlusL(const TDes& aText, TRdsRtPlusContentType aContentType) to set data of the specific content type.

    • Use SetRadiotextPlusL(const TDes& aText, TRdsRtPlusTag aTag) to modify specific text or word in a given field.

  4. Use theCMMRdsTransmitterUtility::ClearRadiotextData method to clear the radio text data, which is set earlier.