CEikMenuBarTitle Class Reference

class CEikMenuBarTitle : public CBase

The CEikMenuBarTitle class encapsulates the data needed to define a menu bar title and provides some of the functionality required to display the title.


Inherits from

Nested Classes and Structures

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.




Member Functions Documentation

CalculateBaseLine(TInt &, TInt &)

voidCalculateBaseLine(TInt &aBaseLine,
TInt &aTitleHeight

Adjusts the value of the title text baseline offset aBaseLine to take into account any size of the title icon.


TInt & aBaseLineGets result of baseline.
TInt & aTitleHeightGets result of height.

CreateIconL(CFbsBitmap *, CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C voidCreateIconL(CFbsBitmap *aBitmap,
CFbsBitmap *aMask

Constructs a new icon for the title, taking ownership of the picture bitmap and the mask bitmap unless they are externally owned.


CFbsBitmap * aBitmapBitmap.
CFbsBitmap * aMaskMask of the bitmap.

DrawIcon(CWindowGc &, TRect, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidDrawIcon(CWindowGc &aGc,

Draws the title icon to the graphics context aGc, inside the rect aRect with an offset from the left side of the rectangle of size aLeftMargin.


CWindowGc & aGcWindow graphic context.
TRect aRectRectangle area.
TInt aLeftMarginLeft margin.


TInt ExtraLeftMargin()const

Gets the value of the extra left margin for the title text which will take into account the width of the title icon.

Value of extra left margin.


IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap *IconBitmap()const

Gets a pointer to the title icon s bitmap. Does not imply transfer of ownership.

Pointer to the title icon s bitmap.


IMPORT_C CFbsBitmap *IconMask()const

Gets a pointer to the title icon s bitmap mask. Does not imply transfer of ownership.

Pointer to the title icon s bitmap mask.


IMPORT_C voidSetBitmapsOwnedExternally(TBoolaOwnedExternally)

Sets whether the bitmap and mask are owned externally or not.


TBool aOwnedExternallyETrue if bitmaps are set as externally owned. EFalse if bitmaps are set as not being externally owned.

SetIcon(CGulIcon *)

IMPORT_C voidSetIcon(CGulIcon *aIcon)

Sets the title icon.


CGulIcon * aIconThe icon to set.

SetIconBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C voidSetIconBitmapL(CFbsBitmap *aBitmap)

Sets the bitmap for the icon. Transfers ownership unless the bitmaps are owned externally.


CFbsBitmap * aBitmapBitmap

SetIconMaskL(CFbsBitmap *)

IMPORT_C voidSetIconMaskL(CFbsBitmap *aMask)

Sets the bitmap mask for the icon. Transfers ownership unless the bitmaps are owned externally.


CFbsBitmap * aMaskMask of a bitmap.

Member Data Documentation

SData iData

SData iData

The menu bar title text.

CGulIcon * iIcon

CGulIcon *iIcon[private]

TInt iPos

TInt iPos

The title s position on the menu bar.

TInt iTitleFlags

TInt iTitleFlags

Flags used internally by the menu bar title.

TInt iWidth

TInt iWidth

The title s width.