MMdaAudioToneObserver Class Reference

class MMdaAudioToneObserver

An interface to a set of audio tone player callback functions.

The class is a mixin and is intended to be inherited by the client class which is observing the audio tone playing operation. The functions encapsulated by this class are called when specific events occur in the process of preparing to play a tone and during the playing of a tone. A reference to this object is passed as a parameter when constructing an audio tone player utility, using the CMdaAudioToneUtility interface.


Public Member Functions

Member Functions Documentation


voidMatoPlayComplete(TIntaError)[pure virtual]

Defines required client behaviour when the tone playing operation has completed, successfully or otherwise.


TInt aErrorKErrNone if successful. One of the system wide error codes if the attempt failed. The possible values depend on the EPOC platform.


voidMatoPrepareComplete(TIntaError)[pure virtual]

Defines required client behaviour when an attempt to configure the audio tone player utility has completed, successfully or otherwise.


TInt aErrorKErrNone if successful. One of the system wide error codes if the attempt failed. The possible values depend on the EPOC platform.