MDesC8Array Class Reference

class MDesC8Array

Interface class for 8 bit descriptor arrays. It should be inherited by classes which implement this protocol.

This protocol is implemented by class CDesC8Array and the concrete class CPtrC8Array.

Public Member Functions
TInt MdcaCount()
TPtrC8 MdcaPoint(TInt)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MDesC8Array()[inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation


TInt MdcaCount()const [pure virtual]


Returns the number of descriptor elements in a descriptor array.

The number of descriptor elements in a descriptor array.


TPtrC8 MdcaPoint(TIntaIndex)const [pure virtual]


Indexes into a descriptor array.

An 8 bit non-modifiable pointer descriptor representing the descriptor element located at position aIndex within a descriptor array.


TInt aIndexThe position of the descriptor element within a descriptor array. The position is relative to zero; i.e. zero implies the first descriptor element in a descriptor array.