TSmsStatus Class Reference

class TSmsStatus : public TSmsOctet

TP-ST (Status Report) octet. Found in Status Report

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
TSmsStatus::TSmsStatusValue Status()
Inherited Functions
TSmsOctet::DecodeL(TGsmuLex8 &)
TSmsOctet::EncodeL(TUint8 *)const
TSmsOctet::ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)const
TSmsOctet::InternalizeL(RReadStream &)
TSmsOctet::operator TInt()const
Public Member Enumerations
enumTSmsStatusValue {
ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME = 0x00, ESmsShortMessageForwardedBySCToSMEButUnconfirmedBySC = 0x01, ESmsShortMessageReplacedBySC = 0x02, ESmsTempError1StatusCongestion = 0x20, ESmsTempError1StatusSMEBusy = 0x21, ESmsTempError1StatusNoResponseFromSME = 0x22, ESmsTempError1StatusServiceRejected = 0x23, ESmsTempError1StatusQualityOfServiceNotAvailable = 0x24, ESmsTempError1StatusErrorInSME = 0x25, ESmsPermErrorRemoteProcedureError = 0x40, ESmsPermErrorIncompatibleDestination = 0x41, ESmsPermErrorConnectionRejectedBySME = 0x42, ESmsPermErrorNotObtainable = 0x43, ESmsPermErrorQualityOfServiceNotAvailable2 = 0x44, ESmsPermErrorNoInterworkingAvailable = 0x45, ESmsPermErrorSMValidityPeriodExpired = 0x46, ESmsPermErrorSMDeletedByOriginatingSME = 0x47, ESmsPermErrorSMDeletedBySCAdministration = 0x48, ESmsPermErrorDoesNotExist = 0x49, ESmsTempError2Congestion = 0x60, ESmsTempError2SMEBusy = 0x61, ESmsTempError2NoResponseFromSME = 0x62, ESmsTempError2ServiceRejected = 0x63, ESmsTempError2QualityOfServiceNotAvailable = 0x64, ESmsTempError2ErrorInSME = 0x65
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation



Sets status value.


TSmsStatusValue aValueStatus value


TSmsStatus::TSmsStatusValue Status()const [inline]

Gets status value.

Status value

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TSmsStatusValue

TP-ST flag values.


ESmsShortMessageReceivedBySME = 0x00

Short message received by the SME.

ESmsShortMessageForwardedBySCToSMEButUnconfirmedBySC = 0x01

Short message forwarded by the SC to the SME but the SC is unable to confirm delivery.

ESmsShortMessageReplacedBySC = 0x02

Short message replaced by the SC.

ESmsTempError1StatusCongestion = 0x20

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: congestion.

ESmsTempError1StatusSMEBusy = 0x21

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: SME busy.

ESmsTempError1StatusNoResponseFromSME = 0x22

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: No response from SME.

ESmsTempError1StatusServiceRejected = 0x23

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: Service rejected.

ESmsTempError1StatusQualityOfServiceNotAvailable = 0x24

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: Quality of service not available.

ESmsTempError1StatusErrorInSME = 0x25

Temporary error, SC still trying to transfer SM: Error in SME.

ESmsPermErrorRemoteProcedureError = 0x40

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Remote procedure error.

ESmsPermErrorIncompatibleDestination = 0x41

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Incompatible destination.

ESmsPermErrorConnectionRejectedBySME = 0x42

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Connection rejected by SME.

ESmsPermErrorNotObtainable = 0x43

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Not obtainable.

ESmsPermErrorQualityOfServiceNotAvailable2 = 0x44

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Quality of service not available.

ESmsPermErrorNoInterworkingAvailable = 0x45

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: No interworking available.

ESmsPermErrorSMValidityPeriodExpired = 0x46

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: SM Validity Period Expired.

ESmsPermErrorSMDeletedByOriginatingSME = 0x47

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: SM Deleted by originating SME.

ESmsPermErrorSMDeletedBySCAdministration = 0x48

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: SM Deleted by SC Administration.

ESmsPermErrorDoesNotExist = 0x49

Permanent error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: SM does not exist.

ESmsTempError2Congestion = 0x60

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Congestion.

ESmsTempError2SMEBusy = 0x61

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: SME Busy.

ESmsTempError2NoResponseFromSME = 0x62

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: No response from SME.

ESmsTempError2ServiceRejected = 0x63

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Service rejected.

ESmsTempError2QualityOfServiceNotAvailable = 0x64

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Quality of service not available.

ESmsTempError2ErrorInSME = 0x65

Temporary error, SC is not making any more transfer attempts: Error in SME.