TBaSystemSoundInfo Class Reference

class TBaSystemSoundInfo

Provides functions that contain the information for a system sound. A sound may be a file, a tone or a fixed sequence.

The characteristics of a physical sound that corresponds to a logical sound are encapsulated in a TBaSystemSoundInfo object. You can get and set the physical sound for a logical sound through the functions provided by the BaSystemSound class.

Nested Classes and Structures

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructs a default TBaSystemSoundInfo object. This object has a null type, default volume, default priority, null name, null fixed sequence, and tone of TTone.

TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &, const TBaSystemSoundName &, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_CTBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &aType,
const TBaSystemSoundName &aName,
TIntaVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolume,
TIntaPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPriority

Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and file name. The sound has default volume and priority.


const TBaSystemSoundType & aTypeSound type
const TBaSystemSoundName & aNameSound name
TInt aVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolumeSound volume
TInt aPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPrioritySound priority

TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &, TInt, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_CTBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &aType,
TIntaVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolume,
TIntaPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPriority

Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and sequence. The sound has default volume and priority.


const TBaSystemSoundType & aTypeSound type
TInt aFixedSequenceSound sequence
TInt aVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolumeSound volume
TInt aPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPrioritySound priority

TBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &, TTone, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_CTBaSystemSoundInfo(const TBaSystemSoundType &aType,
TIntaVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolume,
TIntaPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPriority

Constructs a TBaSystemSoundInfo object with the specified type and tone. The sound has default volume and priority.


const TBaSystemSoundType & aTypeSound type
TTone aToneSound tone
TInt aVolume = KSystemSoundDefaultVolumeSound volume
TInt aPriority = KSystemSoundDefaultPrioritySound priority

Member Functions Documentation

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const

Externalises an object of this class to a write stream. The presence of this function means that the standard templated operator<<() can be used to externalise objects of this class.


RWriteStream & aStreamStream to which the object should be externalised.


TBaSystemSoundName FileName()const [inline]

Gets the current sound's file.

The current sound's file.


TInt FixedSequenceNumber()const [inline]

Gets the current sound's sequence.

The current sound's sequence.

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)

Internalises an object of this class from a read stream. Presence of this function means that the standard templated operator>>() can be used to internalise objects of this class.


RReadStream & aStreamThe stream from which the object is to be internalised.

SetFileName(const TBaSystemSoundName &)

IMPORT_C voidSetFileName(const TBaSystemSoundName &aFileName)

Replaces the current sound with the specified file.


const TBaSystemSoundName & aFileNameThe file with which to replace the current sound.


IMPORT_C voidSetFixedSequenceNumber(TIntaNumber)

Replaces the current sound with the specified sequence number.


TInt aNumberThe sequence number with which to replace the current sound.

SetTone(const TTone &)

IMPORT_C voidSetTone(const TTone &aTone)

Replaces the current sound with the specified tone.


const TTone & aToneThe tone with which to replace the current sound.


IMPORT_C TSoundCategorySoundCategory()const

Gets the sound's category.

The system sound's category, or NULL if the sound is not a file, sequence, or tone.


TTone Tone()const [inline]

Gets the current system sound's tone.

The current sound's tone.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TSoundCategory

Specifies the category of the system sound.



Specifies no system sound.


Specifies a file as the system sound.


Specifies a sequence as the system sound.


Specifies a tone as the system sound.

Member Data Documentation

TInt iFixedSequence

TInt iFixedSequence[private]

TBaSystemSoundName iName

TBaSystemSoundName iName[private]

TInt iPriority

TInt iPriority

TTone iTone

TTone iTone[private]

TBaSystemSoundType iType

TBaSystemSoundType iType

TInt iVolume

TInt iVolume