Comments : Provides non-modifying functionality for parsing data delimited by a single character. The data is delimited into segments. Uses 8-bit descriptors.
The object contains a descriptor with the data which can be parsed from left to right, or right to left. It is non-owning. The current segment can be extracted, which then parses the string for the next segment.
This is a base class and an object of this type cannot be instantiated. It should be derived. The derived class should ensure that the data iDataDes is set before calling one of the protected parsing functions. The derived class should also ensure that the delimiting character has been set.
If the data iDataDes has not been parsed, then calling any functionality that requires the data to have been parsed will result in a panic KDelimitedParserErrNotParsed. The data can only be parsed by calling one of the protected parsing functions from the derived class.
If the delimiting character iDelimiter has not been set, then calling the protected parsing functions and some of the other public functionality that requires the delimiter to be set will result in a panic KDelimitingParserErrNoDelimiter. 6.0