TPictureHeader Class Reference

class TPictureHeader

Picture header providing an interface to a stored picture. The header holds:

the picture's type, encoded as a UID, which ensures that it will be restored to the correct picture type

the picture's size, which facilitates deferred loading

the stream ID of the picture body, which is replaced by a pointer to the picture object when it has been restored.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidDeletePicture()
IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)
IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &)
Public Attributes
TSwizzle< CPicture >iPicture
TUid iPictureType
TSize iSize

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C voidDeletePicture()

ExternalizeL(RWriteStream &)

IMPORT_C voidExternalizeL(RWriteStream &aStream)const


RWriteStream & aStream

InternalizeL(RReadStream &)

IMPORT_C voidInternalizeL(RReadStream &aStream)


RReadStream & aStream

Member Data Documentation

TSwizzle< CPicture > iPicture

TSwizzle< CPicture >iPicture

A swizzle storing either the ID of the stream in which the picture is stored, or a pointer to the internalised picture.

TUid iPictureType

TUid iPictureType

A UID specifying the type of the picture.

TSize iSize

TSize iSize

The original size of the picture.