CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction Class Reference

class CBaseMtmUiData::TMtmUiFunction

Provides the interface for clients to access MTM-specific functions, and present these functions to the user. A message client application can use this information to customise the UI.

The class encapsulates information relating to an MTM-specific operation:

1. human-readable name: for display on the UI

2. ID: used to invoke the operation through the CBaseMtmUi::InvokeSyncFunctionL()/InvokeAsyncFunctionL() functions on the associated User Interface MTM

3. a suggested hot-key that the UI should support for the operation

4. flags that describe further operation characteristics.

Public Member Functions
TMtmUiFunction(TResourceReader &)
TMtmUiFunction(const TMtmUiFunction &)
Private Member Functions
Public Member Enumerations
enumanonymous { ECaptionMaxLen = 40 }
Public Attributes
TBuf< ECaptionMaxLen >iCaption
TInt iFlags
TInt iFunctionId
TUint8 iFunctionType
TInt iPreferredHotKeyKeyCode
TInt iPreferredHotKeyModifiers

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TMtmUiFunction(TResourceReader &)

IMPORT_CTMtmUiFunction(TResourceReader &aResourceReader)


TResourceReader & aResourceReader

TMtmUiFunction(const TMtmUiFunction &)

IMPORT_CTMtmUiFunction(const TMtmUiFunction &aFunc)


const TMtmUiFunction & aFunc

Member Functions Documentation




TInt aResourceFileModifiers

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous

Enum to define UI Data base class constants.


ECaptionMaxLen = 40

Maximum length for operation caption. Used in defining iCaption.

Member Data Documentation

TBuf< ECaptionMaxLen > iCaption

TBuf< ECaptionMaxLen >iCaption

String, suitable for a menu, describing the operation.

TInt iFlags

TInt iFlags

Flags setting characteristics of the operation.

TInt iFunctionId

TInt iFunctionId

The ID that can be used to invoke the operation.

TUint8 iFunctionType

TUint8 iFunctionType

Flags setting location characteristics of the operation.

TInt iPreferredHotKeyKeyCode

TInt iPreferredHotKeyKeyCode

Character code for a suggested hotkey for the operation.

TInt iPreferredHotKeyModifiers

TInt iPreferredHotKeyModifiers

Suggested key modifiers for the hotkey.