TSglQueIterBase Class Reference

class TSglQueIterBase

A base class that provides implementation for the singly linked list iterator.

It also encapsulates a pointer to the current link link list element.

The class is abstract and is not intended to be instantiated.

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidSetToFirst()
Protected Member Functions
TSglQueIterBase(TSglQueBase &)
IMPORT_C TAny *DoCurrent()
IMPORT_C TAny *DoPostInc()
IMPORT_C voidDoSet(TAny *)
Protected Attributes
TSglQueLink *iHead
TSglQueLink *iNext
TInt iOffset

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TSglQueIterBase(TSglQueBase &)

IMPORT_CTSglQueIterBase(TSglQueBase &aQue)[protected]


TSglQueBase & aQue

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TAny *DoCurrent()[protected]


IMPORT_C TAny *DoPostInc()[protected]

DoSet(TAny *)

IMPORT_C voidDoSet(TAny *aLink)[protected]


TAny * aLink


IMPORT_C voidSetToFirst()

Member Data Documentation

TSglQueLink * iHead

TSglQueLink *iHead[protected]

TSglQueLink * iNext

TSglQueLink *iNext[protected]

TInt iOffset

TInt iOffset[protected]