TMsvLocalOperationProgress Class Reference

class TMsvLocalOperationProgress

Encapsulates progress information returned by a local operation. A local operation is a CMsvOperation-derived object returned by a function that affects only local entries. For example, such a function would be a CMsvEntry::ChangeL() call on a local entry. You can check if the operation is local from CMsvOperation::Mtm(): a local operation returns a value of KUidMsvLocalServiceMtm.

Progress information is obtained, in a packaged format, by calling CMsvOperation::ProgressL(). Understanding the TMsvLocalOperationProgress structure enables an application to use that information for a local operation.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TLocalOperation

Defines the possible values for the type of operation progress report.


ELocalNone = 0

Default value for new TMsvLocalOperationProgress


Move operation


Delete operation


Copy operation


Create operation


Change operation

Member Data Documentation

TInt iError

TInt iError

The error code for the latest failed operation

TMsvId iId

TMsvId iId

This contains different information for different operation types:

1. copying a single entry: ID of the new entry

2. moving an entry: ID of the entry moved

3. copying or moving multiple entries: ID of the first entry in the selection

TInt iNumberCompleted

TInt iNumberCompleted

The number of entries on which the operation has been successful

TInt iNumberFailed

TInt iNumberFailed

The number of entries on which the operation has failed

TInt iNumberRemaining

TInt iNumberRemaining

The number of entries on which the operation has yet to be attempted

TInt iTotalNumberOfEntries

TInt iTotalNumberOfEntries

The number of entries on which the operation was or will be attempted

TLocalOperation iType

TLocalOperation iType

The type of operation on which the progress is reporting