ContentAccess::TAgent Class Reference

class ContentAccess::TAgent

Represents the name of a single CAF agent. This allows applications to reference a particular agent within the Content Access Framework.

Public Member Functions
TUid ImplementationUid()
IMPORT_C const TDesC &Name()
voidSetValue(const TDesC &, TUid)
Private Attributes
TUid iImplementationUid
TBuf< KMaxAgentNameLength >iName

Member Functions Documentation


TUid ImplementationUid()const

The UID of the agent DLL The UID of the agent ECOM implementation DLL


IMPORT_C const TDesC &Name()const

The name of the agent The name of the agent

SetValue(const TDesC &, TUid)

voidSetValue(const TDesC &aName,

Set the value of this TAgent


const TDesC & aNameThe name of the agent
TUid aUidThe agent implementation Uid

Member Data Documentation

TUid iImplementationUid

TUid iImplementationUid[private]

TBuf< KMaxAgentNameLength > iName

TBuf< KMaxAgentNameLength >iName[private]