CLayoutData Class Reference

class CLayoutData

Layout data: no longer used.

This class provides two enumerations which are used in the Text Views API. 7.0

Private Member Functions
CLayoutData(CLayoutData &)
Public Member Enumerations
enumanonymous { EFLargeNumber = KMaxTInt / 3, EFFontHeightIncreaseFactor = 7, EFMinimumLineDescent = 3, EFBaseLinePosition = 82 }
enumanonymous { EFHeightForFormattingAllText = EFLargeNumber, EFBodyWidthForNoWrapping = EFLargeNumber }
enumanonymous { EFIndividualChars = 0, EFWholeLinesOnly = 1, EFWholeTBoxesOnly = EFWholeLinesOnly, EFDisambiguateEndOfLine = 2 }
enumTFormatMode { EFScreenMode, EFPrintMode, EFPrintPreviewMode, EFWysiwygMode }

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CLayoutData(CLayoutData &)

CLayoutData(CLayoutData &)[private]


CLayoutData &

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum anonymous


EFLargeNumber = KMaxTInt / 3
EFFontHeightIncreaseFactor = 7
EFMinimumLineDescent = 3
EFBaseLinePosition = 82

Enum anonymous


EFHeightForFormattingAllText = EFLargeNumber
EFBodyWidthForNoWrapping = EFLargeNumber

Enum anonymous

Flags used when converting between layout coordinates and document position. CTextLayout::XyPosToDocPosL()



EFIndividualChars = 0

Count individual characters and don't treat the end of the line specially. 6.2

EFWholeLinesOnly = 1

Only consider the beginnings and ends of whole lines. Only useful in XyToDocPos functions.

EFWholeTBoxesOnly = EFWholeLinesOnly

Only consider the beginnings and ends of whole TBoxs so as not to access the document. Only useful in XyToDocPos functions.

EFDisambiguateEndOfLine = 2

Disambiguate the end position of a line from the start position of the next line. If both positions are the same, a position at the end of the line will be invalid, and the position before will be returned instead.

Enum TFormatMode

Format modes.



Dimensions stored in pixels with no mapping between format and image device.


Dimensions stored in twips with no mapping.


Dimensions stored in twips with partial mapping.


Dimensions stored in twips with full mapping.