CSendAs2Example Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ~CSendAs2Example ()
void StartL ()
void Connect ()
void CreateL (RSendAsMessage &aMessage)
void DisplayAccountL ()
void CapabilityFilterL ()
void SendL (RSendAsMessage &aMessage)

Static Public Member Functions

static CSendAs2ExampleNewL ()

Detailed Description

CSendAs2Example is a class that publicly inherits from CBase. CBase is the base class for all classes to be instantiated on the heap. This class demonstrates- creating a session, connecting to sendAs server to create a message, displaying the list of SendAs accounts present, Filtering those messages based on capability and sending the message.

Definition at line 38 of file SendAs2Example.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CSendAs2Example::~CSendAs2Example (  ) 

Cleans the application

  • closes the sendAs server
  • deletes the console window
  • deletes all other member variables

Definition at line 85 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

CSendAs2Example * CSendAs2Example::NewL (  )  [static]

Allocates and constructs a CSendAs2Example object. Initialises all member data to their default values.

Definition at line 51 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::StartL (  ) 

Main function which calls other functions. Creates a session observer and sets the entry on drafts folder. Also, gets a selection containing the IDs of all the context children. KErrNoMemory, system wide error codes

Definition at line 109 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::Connect (  ) 

Creates a session

  • based on the time slots
  • connects to the server system wide error codes

Definition at line 135 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::CreateL ( RSendAsMessage &  aMessage  ) 

Creates a SendAs message

aMessage An RSendAsMessage reference, used to create a message

Definition at line 165 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::DisplayAccountL (  ) 

Displays the names of all the available accounts. Creates accounts, if not already created.

Definition at line 215 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::CapabilityFilterL (  ) 

Refines the connected session's available message types. Applying a filter will remove all mtms which do not support the supplied capability system wide error codes

Definition at line 255 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

void CSendAs2Example::SendL ( RSendAsMessage &  aMessage  ) 

Sends the sendAs2 message

aMessage An RSendAsMessage reference, used to send a message

Definition at line 273 of file SendAs2Example.cpp.

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