CMsvRecipientList Class Reference

#include <mw/cmsvrecipientlist.h>

class CMsvRecipientList : public CBase

Inherits from

  • CMsvRecipientList

    Constructor & Destructor Documentation

    ~CMsvRecipientList ( )



    Member Function Documentation

    AppendL ( const TDesC & )

    IMPORT_C voidAppendL(const TDesC &aPtr)

    Appends a new address as a 'to' recipient.

    aPtrThe address to add.

    AppendL ( TMsvRecipientType, const TDesC & )

    IMPORT_C voidAppendL(TMsvRecipientTypeaValue,
    const TDesC &aPtr

    Appends a new address a the given recipient type.

    aValueThe type of addressee. Possible types are EMtmRecipientTo, EMtmRecipientCc and EMtmRecipientBcc
    aPtrThe address to add.

    Count ( )

    IMPORT_C TIntCount()const

    The number of accounts for this message type.

    Returns: The number of accounts.

    Delete ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidDelete(TIntaPos)

    Deletes an existing address.

    aPosThe index of the address to delete.

    Delete ( TInt, TInt )

    IMPORT_C voidDelete(TIntaPos,

    Deletes number of existing addresses.

    aPosThe start index of the addresses to delete.
    aCountThe number of sequential addresses to delete.

    NewL ( )

    CMsvRecipientList *NewL()[static]

    Create a new CMsvRecipientList.

    Returns: Pointer to created and initialised object.

    NewLC ( )

    CMsvRecipientList *NewLC()[static]

    Create a new CMsvRecipientList.

    Returns: Pointer to created and initialised object. A copy of the pointer is left on the cleanup stack.

    RecipientList ( )

    IMPORT_C const MDesCArray &RecipientList()const

    Reset ( )

    IMPORT_C voidReset()

    Deletes all elements from the array.

    Type ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C TMsvRecipientTypeType(TIntaPos)const

    Returns the address type specified by the index given.

    operator[] ( TInt )

    IMPORT_C const TDesC &operator[](TIntaIndex)const

    Returns the address specified by the index given.

    aIndexThe index of the address to return.